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PDF TD : Exercices de logique

Exercice 14 Ecrire à l'aide de quantificateurs les propositions suivantes : 1 Le carré de tout réel est positif 2 Certains réels sont strictement supérieurs 

PDF Modern Algebra Practice Exam

Modern Algebra Practice Exam - Solutions Disclaimer: This practice exam is not intended to reflect the content of Wednesday’s midterm It is simply a list of problems left over from the preparation of the actual exam and should serve to indicate the general format and difficulty level thereof Solutions will be posted Monday evening Problem 1


Mathematics is the only instructional material that can be presented in an entirely undogmatic way The Mathematical Intelligencer v 5 no 2 1983 MAX DEHN Chapter 1 Introduction The purpose of this booklet is to give you a number of exercises on proposi-tional first order and modal logics to complement the topics and exercises

PDF An Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics

Important Note The material in the Notes corresponds to and often ex-tends that in The Heart of Mathematics [HM] See also the comments on page iv The corresponding page numbers in [HM] are noted here in the mar-gin First study the material in [HM] then study the more concentrated and extended treatment here Additional material beyond that in [


Mar 30 2018 · Skills exercises INDEPENDENT LEARNING: Excursions in Modern Mathematics Symmetry pages 324-339 Fractals pages 356-368 Fibonacci Golden Ratio pages 388-400

  • Voici nos conseils :

    Voici nos conseils :

    11 – Apprendre à s'investir. 22 – Travailler avec méthode à la maison. 33 – Travailler avec méthode pendant les contrôles de mathématiques. 44 – Travaillez avec régularité 55 – Diversifiez les ressources d'apprentissage. 66 – Apprenez de vos erreurs.

  • Comment apprendre vite les math ?

    La clé pour apprendre les maths facilement, c'est d'avoir recours à des jeux de maths, adaptés en fonction du niveau :

    1Des jeux classiques pour entraîner la mémoire et le raisonnement mathématique, comme le sudoku,2Des jeux de mathématiques complexes, comme les énigmes mathématiques,3Des jeux de logique, pour se tester,

  • Qui est le père de la mathématique moderne ?

    KURT Gödel, l'un des plus brillants esprits de notre siècle, est mort dernièrement à Princeton (New-Jersey).
    Ses découvertes en ont fait le père de la logique mathématique moderne aussi bien que l'innovateur de la pensée abstraite la plus élaborée.

  • Numbers and Cryptography

    Important Note The material in the Notes corresponds to and often ex-tends that in The Heart of Mathematics [HM]. See also the comments on page iv. The corresponding page numbers in [HM] are noted here in the mar-gin. First study the material in [HM], then study the more concentrated and extended treatment here. Additional material beyond that in [

    John Hutchinson

    (suggestions and comments to:

    What is Mathematics?

    Mathematics is the study of pattern and structure. Mathematics is funda-mental to the physical and biological sciences, engineering and information technology, to economics and increasingly to the social sciences. The patterns and structures we study in mathematics are universal. It is perhaps possible to imagine a universe in which the biology and

    These Notes and The Heart of Mathematics

    [HM] is an excellent book. It is one of a small number of texts intended to give you, the reader, a feeling for the theory and applications of contemporary mathematics at an early stage in your mathematical studies. However, [HM] is directed at a di erent group of students undergraduate students in the United States with little mathematics backgr

    Studying Mathematics

    This takes time and e ort but it is very interesting material and intellectually rewarding. Do lots of Questions from [HM] and from these Notes, answer the questions here marked with a -and keep your solutions and comments in a folder. Material marked ? is not in [HM] and is more advanced. Some is a little more advanced and some is a lot more advan


    I would like to thank Richard Brent, Tim Brook, Clare Byrne, Jonathan Manton, Neil Montgomery, Phoebe Moore, Simon Olivero, Raiph McPherson, Jeremy Reading, Bob Scealy, Lisa Walker and Chris Wetherell, for comments and suggestions on various drafts of these notes.


    Philosophy is written in this grand bookI mean the universe which stands continually open to our gaze, but it cannot be understood unless one rst learns to comprehend the language and interpret the characters in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other mathematical gur

    Alfred North Whitehead Science and the Modern World [1925]

    All the pictures which science now draws of nature and which alone seem capable of according with observational facts are mathematical pictures . . . . From the intrinsic evidence of his creation, the Great Architect of the Universe now begins to appear as a pure mathematician.

    Sir James Hopwood Jeans The Mysterious Universe [1930]

    1Simeon Poisson was the thesis adviser of the thesis adviser of

    Characterising Irregularity, Science 200 [1978]

    Mathematics is like a ight of fancy, but one in which the fanciful turns out to be real and to have been present all along. Doing mathematics has the feel of fanciful invention, but it is really a process for sharpening our perception so that we discover patterns that are everywhere around. : : : To share in the delight and the intellectual experie

    2.1 Counting2

    Using estimation to move from qualitative to quantitative thinking and reasoning is a powerful tool.

    The Pigeon Hole Principle

    The following simple result has interesting and often surprising conclusions.

    ?The Principle of Mathematical Induction7

    This is only discussed in [HM] in a very light way, to show that \\all numbers are interesting". Here we discuss and give some more serious examples.

    2.2 The Fibonacci Sequence

    Looking at simple things deeply, nding a pattern, and using the pattern to gain new insights provides great value.


    In the remainder of this Chapter we will often say \ umber" when we mean an integer rather than a general real number. We do this to be consistent with [HM]. It should be clear from the context what we mean.

    Sequences of Numbers

    We usually write an (in nite) sequence of numbers in the form

    ?Formula for the nth Fibonacci Number

    There is a formula for the nth Fibonacci number. This is tricky and is not done in [HM].

    2.3 Prime Numbers

    Examining the building blocks of a complex structure answers old questions, invites new questions, and leads to greater understanding.

    How Dense are the Primes?

    Numerical Experimentation It is conventional to let

    k 1 qi.

    If we keep cancelling in this way we see that the number of factors on each side are the same and each factor occurs the same number of times on each side. This means that both factorisations are the same except possibly for a reordering of the factors.

    2.4 Modular Arithmetic

    Generalising a simple idea like telling time on a clock can lead to important applications.

    2.5 RSA Public Key Cryptography

    Things that seem abstract and devoid of application today may be central in our daily lives tomorrow.

    [HM, 95,96]

    Simple Coding Methods One of the simplest ways to encode a message is for the sender to replace every letter by another letter in an agreed manner. If the receiver of the message knows how this is done then it is usually easy to reverse the process and obtain the original message. For example, the coding method might be to replace each letter by th

    X Y Z

    J E B L O T S Y D V W A highly secret message such as \\the key is under the mat by the front door" would be coded as\\ofn znv hl tcqnb ofn ipo uv ofn mbaco qaab". But someone who intercepts the message might gure that \\the" is a very common word. So probably \\ofn" means \\the" and this means that \\o, f, n" are decoded as \\t, h, e" respectively. To ma

    Problems with these Coding Methods

    with the coding methods just discussed. There are two major problems Very soon someone will lose their copy of the code book, or sell it to some unscrupulous third party, or have it stolen. If the coding method is sent over the internet it is likely to be intercepted. If a malicious person knows how to encode a message they can reverse the process

    ?Working with BIG numbers

    Since we will work with incredibly big numbers, let's get a feel for them.

    Any message sent to you by RSA encoding is totally safe.48

    If the two members of every pair of edges point in opposite directions then the surface is orientable; If the two members of one or more pairs of edges points in the same direction then the surface is non orientable. If the two members of every pair of edges point in opposite directions then the surface is orientable; If the two members of one or more pairs of edges points in the same direction then the surface is non orientable. If the two members of every pair of edges point in opposite directions then the surface is orientable; If the two members of one or more pairs of edges points in the same direction then the surface is non orientable. If the two members of every pair of edges point in opposite directions then the surface is orientable; If the two members of one or more pairs of edges points in the same direction then the surface is non orientable. If the two members of every pair of edges point in opposite directions then the surface is orientable; If the two members of one or more pairs of edges points in the same direction then the surface is non orientable. If the two members of every pair of edges point in opposite directions then the surface is orientable; If the two members of one or more pairs of edges points in the same direction then the surface is non orientable. If the two members of every pair of edges point in opposite directions then the surface is orientable; If the two members of one or more pairs of edges points in the same direction then the surface is non orientable. If the two members of every pair of edges point in opposite directions then the surface is orientable; If the two members of one or more pairs of edges points in the same direction then the surface is non orientable. 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If the two members of every pair of edges point in opposite directions then the surface is orientable; If the two members of one or more pairs of edges points in the same direction then the surface is non orientable. If the two members of every pair of edges point in opposite directions then the surface is orientable; If the two members of one or more pairs of edges points in the same direction then the surface is non orientable. If the two members of every pair of edges point in opposite directions then the surface is orientable; If the two members of one or more pairs of edges points in the same direction then the surface is non orientable. If the two members of every pair of edges point in opposite directions then the surface is orientable; If the two members of one or more pairs of edges points in the same direction then the surface is non orientable. If the two members of every pair of edges point in opposite directions then the surface is orientable; If the two members of one or more pairs of edges points in the same direction then the surface is non orientable.

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