spartina maritima

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PDF Ecological and Evolutionary Misadventures of Spartina

invasion introduction hybridization polyploidy Spartina alterniflora Spartina anglica Spartina densiflora Spartina foliosa Spartina maritima

PDF Heredity (2004) 93 2004 Nature Publishing Group All rights

Keywords: Spartina; clonal plant; RAPD; ISSR; IRAP; genetic uniformity Introduction The salt-marsh grass Spartina maritima Curtis (Poaceae) covers a wide and discontinuous range from South Africa

PDF The widespread and overlooked replacement of Spartina

Spartina may cause problems like displacement of native vegetation and hybridisation with native species leading to changes to relevant ecosystem services and saltmarsh geomorphology Here we reporttheextensiveandsofaroverlookedreplacement of the native Spartina maritima by non-native S anglicaandS townsendiialong400 kmofthecoastof

  • Is Spartina maritima a native or non-native species?

    Here wereport the extensive and so far overlooked replacementof the native Spartina maritima by non-native S.anglicaandS. townsendiialong 400 km of the coast ofthe north-western Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea).We analysed the distribution of both native and non-nativeSpartinaspp. along the six main saltmarsh areas

  • Which morphological index is a characteristic of invasive Spartina?

    We found one morphological index, the anglebetween mature leaves and the main stem, to be auseful field characteristic for detection of invasiveSpartina: S. maritimaculms were consistently nar-rower with leaves close to the main stem whileS.townsendiiandS. anglicahad a consistently widergrowth form.

  • Which species of Spartina are found in Italy?

    In Italy,S. maritimais the only speciesof Spartina reported in the regional Flora d’Italia(Pignatti1982) and most likely subsequent surveys inthis region have continued to categorise these habitatsasS. maritimaby convention, without undertaking thecomparative morphological or genetic analyses

  • Are there native and non-native Spartina in Chioggia & Venice?

    In Chioggia, Venice and Grado amixture of native and non-native Spartina wasrecorded: all three species inhabited similar areasand could be found close to each other (for example inGrado, all three species were present in a 550 m2areaof marsh).


invasion, introduction, hybridization, polyploidy, Spartina alterniflora, Spartina anglica, Spartina densiflora, Spartina foliosa, Spartina maritima

3.2. Hybridization in Spartina

Interspecific hybridization has occurred every time S. densiflora or S. alterniflora has been in-troduced into the range of S. foliosa and S. maritima. The results include sterile F1s involving S. densiflora, a new allopolyploid species, S. anglica, and introgressing hybrids between sister species S. alterniflora and S. foliosa. All Spartina invasi


MaritimeSpartinasarepotentecosystemengineersthatcreatecoststowildlifeandhuman uses of shores where they invade. Protection they might afford against sea-level rise depends upon unimpeded high shoreline and abundant sediment supply, both of which are hindered by human occupation of the shore. Invasion rates depend upon seed set. Self-fertile species


The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.


This review is dedicated to Dino Garcia Rossi. We thank Erik Grijalva, Ingrid Hogle, Peggy Olofson,andKatyZarembaoftheSanFranciscoBayInvasiveSpartinaProject;MirandaWeckerof theWashingtonStateFishandWildlifeCommission;KimPattenofWashingtonStateUniversity; and the many students who have contributed to this research. This work has been funded by the U

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PDF S anglica Introduced Spartina anglica (English cordgrass)

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PDF Exploring the genome of the salt-marsh Spartina maritima

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Where can I find Spartina anglica in Marin?

  • Spartina anglica has been found at Creekside Park in Marin County.
    . S. anglicais a hybrid between England's native S. maritima and S. alterniflora.

What are the differences between Spartina and scirpusinflorescence?

  • Superficial differ- ences include triangular stem of the Scir- pusvs. the round, spongy, hollow stem of the cordgrass.
    . Scirpusinflorescence are an open umbel, cluster of spikelets or solitary spikelet compared closely appressed spikelet (panicle) of Spartina.

What is the tidal range and salinity of the maritima?

  • Tidal range: It inhabits a wide range of elevations, from the low to high marsh zones.
    . In Britain, it inhabits a wider range of marsh elevations than either parent (S. maritima, S. alterniflora) (Hill, 1990).
    . Salinity range: The species tolerates salinities ranging from 5-40 ppt (Abberle, 1990).

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Spartina maritima - Wikipedia

PDF) Contribution of Spartina maritima to the reduction of

PDF) Contribution of Spartina maritima to the reduction of

Remote Sensing

Spartina maritima - Wikipedia

PDF) Contribution of Spartina maritima to the reduction of

PDF) Contribution of Spartina maritima to the reduction of

Remote Sensing

Spartina maritima - Wikipedia

Spartina maritima - Wikipedia

PDF) Contribution of Spartina maritima to the reduction of

PDF) Contribution of Spartina maritima to the reduction of

Remote Sensing </b></h3></figcaption>


		    <figure style=  Spartina

Spartina " title="Molecules


Molecules " title=" Spartina " test="width:550px;max-height:364px;max-width:100%;height:auto;border:1px double #555;" class="lazyload" onerror="'none'" />

Molecules " class="lazyload" onerror="'none'" />

Spartina " test="width:550px;max-height:364px;max-width:100%;height:auto;border:1px double #555;" class="lazyload" onerror="'none'" />


 Spartina </b></h3></figcaption>

Lipophilic Metabolites of Spartina maritima and Puccinellia

Spartina maritima

Lipophilic Metabolites of Spartina maritima and Puccinellia

Spartina maritima


Lipophilic Metabolites of Spartina maritima and Puccinellia

Lipophilic Metabolites of Spartina maritima and Puccinellia

Spartina maritima </b></h3></figcaption>


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