american airlines pet cargo covid

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  • If your pet is a very large animal or something other than a cat or dog or is traveling alone, it will travel as manifest air cargo.
    You will need to check your pet in and pick it up at the cargo facility of your airline which is typically located on airport grounds but not in the airport terminal.

  • Does American take pets in cargo?

    Carry on or transport your pet.
    Depending on animal breed and size, they can travel as a carry-on or be transported through American Airlines Cargo.

  • Which airline allows pets in cargo?

    Of the major U.S. airlines, only Alaska, American and Hawaiian will transport pets in checked baggage and/or cargo.

  • What happens when pets fly cargo?

    Even though it is part of the cargo hold, your per will not travel stacked on top of the baggage.
    They will occupy a special section, and their crates will be secured to the aircraft to prevent tumbling or movement.
    The pressure in the cargo hold will be the same as in the cabin above.

  • Depending on animal breed and size, they can travel as a carry-on or be transported through American Airlines Cargo. Carry-on pets are limited to cats and dogs  Termes manquants : covid | Afficher les résultats avec :covidAutres questions
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