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PDF Basic Algebra

I PRELIMINARIES ABOUT THE INTEGERS POLYNOMIALS AND MATRICES1 1 Division and Euclidean Algorithms 1 2 Unique Factorization of Integers 4 3 Unique Factorization of Polynomials 9 4 Permutations and Their Signs 15 5

PDF Introduction to Modern Algebra

For background on sets see the section A 2 in the appendix We're familiar with many operations on the real numbers Raddition subtraction mul-tiplication division negation reciprocation powers roots etc Addition subtraction and multiplication are examples of binary operations that is functions R R ! R which take two real numbers as t

PDF College Algebra

Basic Algebra 0 1 The Laws of Algebra Terminology and Notation In this section we review the notations used in algebra Some are peculiar to this book For example the notation A:= B indicates that the equality holds by de nition of the notations involved Two other notations which will become important when we solve equations are =) and ()

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Algebra and PreCalculus Prepared by: Earl L Whitney FSA MAAA Version 3 5 October 17 2022 Page Description Chapter 1: Basics 9 Order of Operations (PEMDAS Parenthetical Device) 10 Graphing with Coordinates (Coordinates Plotting Points) 11 Linear Patterns (Recognition Converting to an Equation) 12 Identifying Number Patterns 13

PDF Beginning Algebra

This math book has been created by the BYU -Idaho Math Study Center for the college student who needs an introduction to Algebra This book is the product of many years of implementation of an extremely successful Beginning Algebra program and includes perspectives and tips from experienced instructors and tutors

PDF Algebra Second Edition

has presented us in algebra perhaps more than anywhere else nevertheless I am convinced that the special problems in all their complexity constitute the stock and core of mathematics and that to master their difficulties requires on the whole the harder labor —Herman Weyl

  • What is advanced algebra?

    Advanced Algebra. The preface to the first edition mentioned three themes that recur throughout and blend together at times: the analogy between integers and polynomials in one variable over a field, the interplay between linear algebra and group theory, andtherelationshipbetweennumbertheoryandgeometry.

  • How old are algebra books?

    Correspondingly most of the subject matter of the present book is at least 100 years old. What has changed over the intervening years concerning algebra books at this level is not so much the mathematics as the point of view toward the subject matter and the relative emphasis on and generality of various topics.

  • What are the key topics and features of basic algebra?

    The key topics and features ofBasic Algebraare as follows: • Linear algebra and group theory build on each other throughout the book. A small amount of linear algebra is introduced first, as the topic likely to be better known by the reader ahead of time, and then a little group theory is introduced, with linear algebra providing important examples.

  • What is a basic algebra chapter?

    Basic Algebra CHAPTER I Preliminaries about the Integers, Polynomials, and Matrices Abstract. This chapter is mostly a review, discussing unique factorization of positive integers, unique factorization of polynomials whose coefficients are rational or real or complex, signs of permutations, and matrix algebra.

1.2.1 Operations on sets

For background on sets, see the section A.2 in the appendix. We're familiar with many operations on the real numbers Raddition, subtraction, mul-tiplication, division, negation, reciprocation, powers, roots, etc. Addition, subtraction, and multiplication are examples of binary operations, that is, functions R R R which take two real numbers as t

x x

operation that has an identity element is said to have inverses if for each element there is an inverse element such that when combined by the operation they yield the identity element for the operation. Addition has inverses, and multiplication has inverses of nonzero elements. Finally, there is a particular relation between the operations of addi

(y + z)x = yx + zx:

Multiplication distributes over addition, that is, when multiplying a sum by x we can dis-tribute the x over the terms of the sum. Exercise 1. On properties of operations. xy (a) Is the binary operation x y = for positive x and y a commutative operation? x + y That is, is it true that x y = y x for all positive x and y? Is it associative? Explain y

1.3.3 Monomorphisms and epimorphisms

Two common kinds of homomorphisms are monomorphisms and epimorphisms, often called monos and epis for short. When a homomorphism f : A B is an injective function, it's called a monomorphism; and when it a surjective function, it's an epimorphism (but, in the category of rings, we'll see there are more epimorphisms than just the surjective ring ho

d = am + bn:

Now that we have the major theorems on gcds, there are a few more fairly elementary proprieties of gcds that are straightforward to prove, such as these.

b = tnb + uab:

Now, if n ab, then n divides the right hand side of the equation, but that equals the left hand side, so n b.

2.1.4 Sub elds

Frequently we'll nd one eld contained in another eld. For instance, the eld of rational numbers Q is part of the eld of real numbers R, and R is part of the eld of complex numbers C. They're not just subsets, Q R C, but they have the same operations. Here's the precise de nition of sub eld.

n (x y), then n (y x).

For transitivity, suppose that x y (mod n) and y z (mod n). Then n (x y) and n (y z), so there exist k and m such that nk = x y and nm = y z. Therefore n(k + m) = x z, showing that n (x z). Hence x z (mod n). q.e.d.

Proof. Let x < y

x and y. If x is negative while m in an Archimedean eld. We're looking for a rational number between n y is positive, then the rational number 0 lies between them. We can reduce the case where they're both negative to the case where they're both positive

m m

by noting that if lies between x and y, then lies between x and y.

2.5.2 The quaternions H

We're not going to study skew elds, but one is of particular importance, the quaternions, denoted H. The letter H is in honor of Hamilton, their inventor. We can de ne a quaternion a as an expression


Rings are things like Z that have the three operations of addition, subtraction, and multi-plication, but they don't need division. The lack of a division operation makes them more complicated and more interesting. The concept of prime, for example, is uninteresting for elds, but very interesting for Z and other rings. Most of our rings will have c

3.2 Factoring Zn by the Chinese remainder theorem

We'll look at the structure of the cyclic ring Zn when n is composite in more detail. In particular, when n is not a power of a prime number, then Zn is a product of smaller cyclic rings.

Zn = Y Zpei :

i i=1 Proof. The third statement is a special case of the second. The second follows from the rst by induction on r. That leaves us with the rst statement. In one direction, Zn Zk Zm, the function giving the isomorphism is fairly obvious; it's built of the two functions Zn Zk and Zn Zm that are easy to describe. There is an obvious candidate


[x]n 7 ([x]k; [x]m) In order to show that this is an isomorphism, all we need to do is to show that it's a bijection, and for that, all we need to do is to show that it's an injection since the sets Zn and Zk Zm have the same cardinality. Suppose that [x]n and [y]n are sent to the same element in Zk Zm. Then [x]k = [y]k and [x]m = [y]m, that is, k

A 7 (A \\ S1; A \\ S2; : : : ; A \\ Sn)

> q _ p q p q p :p _ :q p q q $ p p $ :q :q :p q ^ p p ^ :q

3.3.3 A partial order on a Boolean ring

If we de ne x y to mean xy = y, then our Boolean ring will have a partial ordering. Recall that a partial ordering on a set is a re exive, antisymmetric, and transitive relation. Re exive: x x, since x2 = x. Antisymmetric: x y and y x imply x = y, since xy = x and yx = y imply x = y. 3. Transitive: x y and y z imply x z, since xy = x and yz = y imp

m k

pairs (m; n) and (k; l) can name the same integer = if ml = nk. That suggests if we

n l l n

That's easily veri ed since Associativity of addition. You can easily show it, but it's a big mess. Associativity of multiplication. Pretty easy.

3.5.1 The formal de nition of categories

Unlike elds, rings, and groups, we won't require that categories build on sets. In a category the collection of all its objects won't be a set because the collection is larger than any set. That's not a problem since theories don't have to be built on set theory. Indeed, set theory itself is not built on set theory.

De nition 3.17. A category C consists of

objects often denoted with uppercase letters, and morphisms (also called maps or arrows) often denoted with lowercase letters. Each morphism f has a domain which is an object and a codomain which is also an object. If the domain of f is A and the codomain is B, then we write f : A B or A B. The collection of all morphisms from A to B is denoted

m m m m m

g g(n) = g n = g(m) = h(m) = h n = h h(n) = h g(n):

n n

Therefore, the ring homomorphism : Z Q is an epimorphism in R, the category of rings. It is also a monomorphism. But it is not an isomorphism. In many categories, if a morphism is both monic and epic, then it's also an isomorphism. That's true in the category S of setsand in the category G of groups, but not in the category R of rings. This examp

3.6 Kernels, ideals, and quotient rings

These three concepts are closely related. For a ring homomorphism f : R S, the inverse image of 0 is a subset of R called the kernel of f and denoted Ker f. It can't be just any subset, as we'll see, since it's closed under addition and multiplication by elements of R. A subset with those properties we'll call an ideal of R. Every ideal I of R is

3.6.3 Quotient rings, R=I

As mentioned above the kernel of a ring homomorphism f tells us when two elements are sent to the same element: f(x) = f(y) if and only if x y 2 Ker f. We can use Ker f to construct a \\quotient ring" R= Ker f by identifying two elements x and y in R if their di erence lies in Ker f. In fact, we can do this not just for kernels of homomorphisms, but

R R= Ker f = f(R) S

The rst is the projection from R onto its quotient ring R= Ker f, the second is the isomor-phism R= Ker f = f(R), and the third is the inclusion of the image f(R) as a subring of S.


This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. 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It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described. This principle implies that there is some well-ordering of the real numbers R. It's not the usual order, of course, since the usual order does not well order R. In fact, no particular well-ordering of R can ever be described.

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