Titus Manlius

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LI VY TITUS MANLIUS TORQUATUS AND THE GLADIATORIAL PRO LUS IO II Livy 's description of the single combat between Titus Manlius (soon to be Torquatus) and the enormous Gallic warrior in Book VII is one of the most dramatic and finely crafted episodes in the

PDF : Livy’s

Triste Exemplum: Livy’s Titus Manlius Torquatus in the Political Imagination A well-known exemplum before Livy narrated his deeds in his Ab Urbe Condita Titus Manlius Torquatus inspired awe and dread Storied above all for his duel with a leader of the

  • Was Titus a censor?

    He had a long and distinguished career, being consulin 235 BC and 224 BC, censorin 231 BC, and dictatorin 208 BC. He was an ally of Fabius Maximus "Cunctator". Family background[edit] Denariusof Lucius Manlius Torquatus, Titus' great-great-grandson, 113–112 BC.

  • Why did Titus Manlius become a tribune?

    Titus Manlius' reputation grew on account of his filially pious actions, which helped him to be elected as a military tribune later in the year. In 361 BC, Titus Manlius fought in the army of Titus Quinctius Poenus Capitolinus Crispinus against the Gauls during the Battle of the Anio River.

  • Who was Titus Manlius Torquatus?

    Titus Manlius Torquatus(born before 279 BC – died 202 BC) was a politician of the Roman Republic. He had a long and distinguished career, being consulin 235 BC and 224 BC, censorin 231 BC, and dictatorin 208 BC. He was an ally of Fabius Maximus "Cunctator". Family background[edit]

  • When did Manlius become a dictator?

    He was appointed dictator again in 348 BC to oversee elections. A year later, he was elected to his first consulship. His second consulship came in 345 BC. In 340 BC, when Manlius was consul for the third time, Rome had leadership over the Latin League.

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His father Lucius was appointed dictator in 363 BC in order to fulfil religious duties, but instead undertook preparations for war. This resulted in strong opposition from the plebeian tribunes and he was brought to trial at the beginning of the next year, after he had resigned the dictatorship. Amongst the charges against him was that he had banis...


In painting

Stemma of The Manlii Torquati

Stemmataken from Münzer until "A. Manlius Torquatus, d. 208", and then Mitchell, with corrections. All dates are BC.

Roman dictator atKG bd-1-E0E4E9 bdr-8 ov-h phoenix KgPeopleRelYKC" style="border:solid 1px #e0e4e9;" data-9f6="63d54c1a56bdb">Titus Manlius Imperiosus Torquatus