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El Acuerdo sobre la OMC incluye el \"Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles Aduaneros y Comercio de 1994\" Este instrumento denominado \"GATT de 1994\" se basa en el texto del Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles Aduaneros y Comercio original denominado \"GATT de 1947\" En esta sección se incluye para referencia el texto del \"GATT de 1947\" con las


The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (\"GATT 1994\") shall consist of: (a) the provisions in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade dated 30 October 1947 annexed to the Final Act Adopted at the Conclusion of the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee

PDF General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

Emeritus Professor Faculty of Law University of Ottawa


The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade came into force on 1 January 1948 This booklet contains the complete text of the General Agreement together with all amendments which have become effective since its entry into force The text is identical to that published since 1969 as Volume IV in the series Basic Instruments and Selected


understanding in respect of waivers of obligations under the general agreement on tariffs and trade 1994 25 understanding on the interpretation of article xxviii of the general agreement on tariffs and trade 1994 26 marrakesh protocol to the general agreement on tariffs and trade 1994 28 text: general agreement on tariffs and trade 1947 31 part

  • What is GATT & why is it important?

    From 1947 to 1994, GATT also served another role — it was a de facto international organization for negotiating and administering the multilateral trade rules. That role has now formally been taken over by the WTO. The WTO Secretariat has prepared this book to assist public understanding of GATT. The first section is an explanatory introduction.

  • Who applies the GATT under the protocol of provisional application?

    The original contracting parties, and also those former territories of Belgium, France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom which, after attaining independence, acceded to the General Agreement under Article XXVI:5(c), apply the GATT under the Protocol of Provisional Application, the text of which is reproduced in this volume.

  • Will the GATT XII & XVIII B work differently under GATT 1994?

    As noted earlier, the GATT allows countries in balance-of-payments difficulty to introduce trade restrictions as one of the major exceptions to the basic principles of tariff bindings and “tariffs only”. The GATT articles concerned — XII and XVIII:B — will probably not work very differently under GATT 1994 than under GATT 1947.

  • When did the GATT 1947 come into effect?

    Although the WTO agreement came into effect on 1 January 1995, the GATT 1947 also continued to apply during 1995, to ensure that contractual trade relations remained in effect between the GATT contracting parties during a transitional twelve months in which many countries had not yet completed the process of becoming members of the WTO.

By Donald M. McRae

Emeritus Professor Faculty of Law University of Ottawa


The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (hereinafter “GATT”) of 1947 emerged from the post-Second World War negotiations on international economic cooperation. These negotiations resulted in the Bretton Woods agreements – the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development – but there was the belief that

The GATT Text

The GATT text is a mixture of explicit obligations imposed on parties, statements about what the parties should (rather than “shall”) do, and statements about what is desirable. It is not, as one might expect of a treaty, a document that is simply expressive of legal obligations. This reflects in part the nature of its drafting by economists, but a

1. Non-discrimination

The preamble to GATT makes clear that the agreement was directed to “the substantial reduction of tariffs and other barriers to trade and to the elimination of discriminatory treatment in international commerce”. The central core of these goals is found in the first three articles of GATT. The fundamental principle of non-discrimination expressed i

2. Quantitative Restrictions on Import and Export

The approach in GATT was to liberalize trade through permitting tariffs which could be negotiated down over time. But it was also recognized that other border measures, such as quotas, should be eliminated. This is the content of article XI, which validates “duties, taxes and charges”, but proscribes “prohibitions or restrictions” on the importatio

3. Safeguards

The risks that countries face by lowering tariffs is that there may be a drastic and often unanticipated impact on domestic production from the competition from increased imports. Article XIX dealt with this by permitting contracting parties to take “safeguard” action, which involved suspending the obligation or concession that has resulted in incr


In addition to safeguards and the exceptions set out in many of the articles of GATT, both general exceptions and security exceptions are provided to GATT obligations. Some of the general exceptions relate to matters of particular importance at the time, such as the importation or exportation of gold and silver, but many of these exceptions were to

Customs Unions and Free Trade Areas

The MFN principle posed a challenge for preferential arrangements, such as customs unions and free trade areas, that had been entered into by the States that had negotiated GATT. States were not prepared, however, to abandon those arrangements. Instead, in article XXIV they permitted their continuation as well as the conclusion of new customs union

Institutional Provisions

Since GATT was only an interim arrangement pending the entry into force of the ITO, no provisions were made for institutions through which the arrangement would function. The CONTRACTING PARTIES were to meet from time to time and by their “joint action” under article XXV were to facilitate and further the objectives of the Agreement. Each contracti

Dispute Settlement

The way in which disputes were dealt with under GATT evolved from a ruling from the chair on a dispute, to establishing a working party to consider the matter and advise the CONTRACTING PARTIES, to a more formal system which would involve a three-person “panel”. The panel was to investigate the matter, seek to work out a settlement between the disp

L'Accord sur l'OMC comprend l'"Accord général sur les tarif douaniers et le commerce de 1994". Cet instrument, dénommé le "GATT de 1994", est fondé.Questions associées
  • Quelle est la différence entre le GATT et l'OMC ?

    Alors que le GATT régissait principalement le commerce des marchandises, l'OMC et ses Accords visent aujourd'hui le commerce des services ainsi que les échanges d'inventions, de créations et de dessins et modèles (propriété intellectuelle).
  • Quelle est la relation entre le GATT et l'OMC ?

    L'Accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce (GATT) régit le commerce international des marchandises. C'est le Conseil du commerce des marchandises, composé de représentants de tous les pays Membres de l'OMC, qui veille au fonctionnement du GATT.
  • Pourquoi le GATT est devenu OMC ?

    L'Organisation mondiale du commerce prend la suite du GATT, celui-ci s'avérant incapable de répondre aux enjeux de la fin du XXe si?le. Créée à l'issue de l'Uruguay round, par les accords de Marrakech, l'OMC entre en fonction en 1995. À l'instar du GATT, l'OMC cherche à réduire les obstacles au libre-échange.
  • L'objectif du GATT est d'emp?her le retour au protectionnisme, responsable de l'aggravation de la crise des années 1930, en réduisant les entraves aux échanges, notamment les droits de douane.
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GATT \u0026 Multilateral Trade Agreements </b></h3></figcaption>


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the Better: Coalitions in the GATT/WTO

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 political and cultural conditions in the </b></h3></figcaption>

political and cultural conditions in the

DOC) GATT ROUNDS </b></h3></figcaption>


		    <figure style=  Free World: The Advent of GATT (The </b></h3></figcaption>

Free World: The Advent of GATT (The

DOC) The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade The </b></h3></figcaption>


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