cataracte operation video

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PDF Guide to Cataract Surgery

Acoroding tdhdoee 3 vision A cataract at the center of your lens however may greatly affect your sight Only you can decide if a change in your vision


morning of surgery Do NOT wear jewelry (including wedding rings) makeup nail polish or hairspray Bring your current insurance cards a photo ID and medications (including eye drops) on the day of surgery Do NOT bring any valuables DO NOT Call Baptist Eye Surgeons at 865-579-3920 for specific questions about your cataract surgery For

  • What happens when you have a cataract operation?

    What happens during cataract surgery? During surgery, the doctor will remove the cloudy lens from your eye and replace it with an artificial lens (called an intraocular lens). The surgery lasts about 1 hour and is almost painless. Usually, you will be awake during cataract surgery.

  • What is the recovery time for cataract operation?

    Usually, a patient takes around 1-3 months to completely recover post-cataract surgery. This is the recovery period usually for those whose bodily parameters are normal. However, in some cases, the duration can vary. For instance, a patient has taken more than 3 months to restore their vision completely.

  • How long is the recovery time after cataract surgery?

    The recovery time for cataract surgery is short. Any soreness and discomfort should disappear within a couple of days. However, depending on the nature and size of your cataracts, and your physiology and ability and heal, full recovery could take anything from four weeks to six weeks.


Cataract surgery is a procedure to remove the lens of the eye and, in most cases, replace it with an artificial lens. A cataract causes the lens to become cloudy when it is typically clear. Cataracts can eventually affect vision. Cataract surgery is performed by an eye doctor, also called an ophthalmologist. It's performed on an outpatient basis, w

Why It's Done

Cataract surgery is done to treat cataracts. Cataracts can cause blurry vision and increase the glare from lights. If a cataract makes it difficult for you to carry out your usual activities, your health care team may suggest cataract surgery. When a cataract interferes with the treatment of another eye problem, cataract surgery may be recommended


Complications after cataract surgery are uncommon, and most can be treated successfully. Cataract surgery risks include: 1. Swelling. 2. Infection. 3. Bleeding. 4. Drooping eyelid. 5. Artificial lens moving out of place. 6. Retina moving out of place, called retinal detachment. 7. Glaucoma. 8. Secondary cataract. 9. Loss of vision. Your risk of com

How You Prepare

Food and medications You may be instructed not to eat or drink anything 12 hours before cataract surgery. Your eye doctor also may advise you to stop taking any medicine that could increase your risk of bleeding during the procedure for a short time. Let your doctor know if you take any medicines for prostate problems, as some of these medicines can interfere with cataract surgery. Antibiotic eye drops may be prescribed for use one or two days before the surgery. Other precautions You can typically go home on the same day as your surgery. However, you won't be able to drive, so arrange for a ride home. Also arrange for help around home, if necessary, because your eye doctor may limit activities, such as bending and lifting, for about a week after your surgery.

What You Can Expect

Before the procedure A week or so before your surgery, your eye doctor performs a painless ultrasound test to measure the size and shape of your eye. This helps determine the right type of lens implant, called an intraocular lens, orIOL. Nearly everyone who has cataract surgery will be given IOLs. These lenses improve your vision by focusing light on the back of your eye. You won't be able to see or feel the lens. It requires no care and becomes a permanent part of your eye. A variety of IOLs are available. Befor


Cataract surgery restores vision in most people who have the procedure. People who've had cataract surgery may develop a secondary cataract. The medical term for this common issue is known as posterior capsule opacification, also called PCO. This happens when the back of the lens capsule becomes cloudy and impairs your vision. The lens capsule is t

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Est-ce douloureux de se faire opérer de la cataracte ?

La chirurgie de la cataracte est indolore et dure environ 15 minutes, dans la majorité des cas.

Comment se déroule une opération de la cataracte ?

Elle se déroule en ambulatoire, sous anesthésie locale. Le praticien proc? à une incision de la cornée du patient pour accéder au sac cristallin. À l'aide d'une sonde, il le vide de son contenu puis y insère un implant intraoculaire. 15 à 30 minutes seulement suffisent pour réaliser cet acte chirurgical.

Quels sont les effets secondaires d'une opération de la cataracte ?

Combien de temps faut-il pour que la vision s'améliore après une chirurgie de cataracte ? La vision est souvent trouble pendant les jours qui suivent l'intervention.
. Elle s'améliore progressivement, dès le lendemain de la chirurgie.
. L'acuité visuelle post-opératoire n'est jugée fiable qu'un mois après l'opération.

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