asbab nouzoul sourat al fatiha

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PDF Al-Wahidi With Introduction

English translation one of the most significant works in the branch of the Qur’anic sciences (‘ulum al-Qur’an) known as “asbab al-nuzul” — the occasions reasons and contexts for the Revelation of the Holy Qur’an The present work by ‘Ali ibn Ahmad al-Wahidi (d 468/1075) Asbab al-Nuzul is the earliest and best-known

PDF Asbab un Nuzul

(And Muhammad Qurrah> when Ahmad they ibn Ibrahim ibn fall Muhammad in with informed those ibn us> who Nasr> Shaybah believe Yusuf they ibn ibn Muhammad>'Ali say: Bilal> We Muhammad believe) ibn [2:14] Ahmad ibn Kalbi> Muhammad hand Ubayy of Abu Companions said: Bakr 'See how al-Siddiq of Allah's I will may bar Messenger these that fools they '

  • Why was al-Wahidi categorical in his introduction to asbab al-nuzul?

    In his introduction to Asbab al-Nuzul, al-Wahidi was categorical in his warning: “It is unlawful to advance an opinion regarding the occasions of the revelation of the Book unless it is based on narration and transmission from those who have witnessed the revelation and were aware of the occasions, in that they seriously sought to know them.

  • Is Asbab al-nuzul exegetical?

    International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences An analysis of popularity and respectability of the exegetical sub-genre asbab al-nuzul (occasions of revelation) in the Qur'an is usually regarded to be considered under the category of Qur'anic sciences, which is an intersection between exegesis and narration.

  • What did Muqatil and al-Kalbi say about Abu Sufyan ibn Harb?

    Muqatil and al-Kalbi said: “This Surah was revealed about al-‘As ibn Wa’il al-Sahmi”. And Ibn Jurayj said: “Abu Sufyan ibn Harb was in the habit of slaughtering two camels every week. On one occasion, an orphan came to him asking him for something. Abu Sufyan responded by hitting him with a stick.

  • What is a sabab Nuzul?

    It is also clear from the outset that what al-Wahidi understood to be a Sabab Nuzul is much broader than what most Muslim scholars understand by the same, i.e. an event or incident which happened during the prophetic era and which occasioned the revelation of a Qur’anic verse or Surah.

{ نَحْنُ مُسْتَهْزِئُونَ امَ َّنإِْ مُكعَمَا َّنإِْ اوُۤلاقَْ مهِنِيطِايَشَىٰ لَإِْ اْولَخَا ذَإِوَا َّنمَآا وُۤلاقَْ اوُنمَآَ نيذِ َّلٱْ اوُقلَا ذَإِوَ }

(And Muhammad Qurrah> when Ahmad they ibn Ibrahim ibn fall Muhammad in with informed those ibn us> who Nasr> Shaybah believe, Yusuf they ibn ibn Muhammad>'Ali say: Bilal> We Muhammad believe) ibn [2:14]. Ahmad ibn Kalbi> Muhammad hand Ubayy of Abu Companions said: Bakr 'See how al-Siddiq, of Allah's I will may bar Messenger, these that fools they '

صَالِحاً َلمِعَوَِ رخِلآٱِ مْويَْلٱوَِ ه َّللٱبَِ نمَآْ نمََ نيئِبِا َّصلٱوَىٰ رَاصَ َّنلٱوَْ اوُداهََ نيذِ َّلٱوَْ اوُنمَآَ نيذِ َّلٱ َّ نإِ { لَهُمْ أَجْرُهُمْ عِندَ رَب ِّهِمْ وَلاَ خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلاَ هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ َ ف }

(Lo are Muhammad Jews

وَهُمْ يَعْلَمُونَ }

(Have revealed is prohibiting He. When ye hope about they that the went seventy they with be true to you

{ ْ مُه َّلٌ لْيوَفًَ لايلِقًَ ان َمثَِ هبِْ اوُرتَْشيَلِِ ه َّللٱِ دْنعِْ نمِا ذَـٰهََ نوُلوُقيَ َّ مُثْ مهِيدِْيأَبَِ باتَكِْلٱَ نوُبُتْكيََ نيذِ َّل ِّلٌ لْيوَفَ َ نوُبسِْكيَا َّم ِّمْ مُه َّلٌ لْيوَوَْ مهِيدِْيأَْ تبَتَكَا َّم ِّم }

(Therefore is the through from Prophet, Allah”

{ َ نوُلوُقتَْ مأَُ هدَْهعَُ ه َّللٱَ فلِْخُيْ نلَفًَ ادْهعَِ ه َّللٱَ دنعِْ مُتْذخَ َّتأَْ لُقً ةدَوُدْع َّمً ام وَقَالُواْ لَن تَمَس َّنَا ٱلن َّارُ إِلا َّ أَي َّا

(And َ نوُملَْعتََ لاا مَِ ه َّللٱى لَعَ days

{ َ نيرِفِاكَْلٱى لَعَِ ه َّللٱُ ةنَْعلَفَِ هبِْ اوُرفَكَْ اوُفرَعَا َّمْ مُهءَآجَا َّملَفَ }

{ لْكَافِرِينَ ِّل ٌّ وُدعََ ه َّللٱ َّ نإِفََ لَٰكيمِوََ ليرِْبجِوَِ هلُِسُروَِ هتِكَئِلاۤمَوَِ ه َّللً اّوُدعََ ناكَن مَ }

(Who Hafiz Dawud> him: Abu'l-Shaykh is an enemy to [al-Asfahani]> Allah, and His angels

{ وَلَقَدْ أَنْزَلْنَآ إِلَيْكَ آيَاتٍ بَي ِّنَاتٍ وَمَا يَكْفُرُ بِهَآ إِلا َّ ٱلْفَاسِقُونَ }

(We Suwriya Muhammad have revealed to you by means of Allah’s when revealed You he did unto said not thee to bring clear tokens

{ ٌ ميلِأٌَ باذَعََ نيرِفِاكَللِوَْ اوُعمَْسٱوَا نَْرُظْنٱْ اوُلوُقوَا نَعِارَْ اوُلوُقتََ لاْ اوُنمَآَ نيذِ َّلٱا هَ ُّيأَايَ }

expression (O ‘Abbas ye who according believe, [ra‘ina], vile so when the Jews heard to say the not narration (unto the of ‘Ata’: Prophet): same them “This “Listen is because using it to us” in with the [ra‘ina] the Arabs

{ ولَكُمْ كَمَا سُئِلَ مُوسَىٰ مِن قَبْلُ وَمَن يَتَبَد َّلِ ٱلْكُفْرَ بِٱلإِيمَانِ فَقَدْ ضَل َّ ُسرَْ اوُلأَْستَن أََ نوُديرُِتْ مأَ سَوَآءَ ٱلس َّبِيلِ }

(Or revealed had would said about ye to make the ‘Abd question Prophet: Allah ‘O your Mecca and rivers gush ibn Muhammad Abi messenger

ٌ ميظِعٌَ باذَعَِ ةرَخِلآٱي فِْ مُهلَوٌَ يْزخِا يَْن ُّدلٱي فِْ مُه َّلَ نيفِئِآخَ َّ لاإِآ هَوُلُخْديَ

(And Allah the killed ‘Abbas according the Torah, sacked to the Christians”. revealed the Sacred Mosque”. about And the Ibn idolaters ‘Abbas of said, Mecca according who prevented to the the narration Bukhtunassar Muslims of from ‘Ata’: mentioning “This verse and his army Allah was in

(Unto { ٌ ميلِعٌَ عسِاوََ ه َّللٱ َّ نإِِ ه َّللٱُ هْجوَ َّ مثَفَْ او ُّلوَُتا مَنَْيأَفَُ برِْغمَْلٱوَُ قرِْشمَْلٱِ ه َّللوَ }

regarding informed Allah us> the belong al-Hafiz occasion the East of revelation and the West

ٍ لفِاغَبُِ ه َّللٱا مَوَْ مهِ ِّب َّرن مِ ُّ قحَْلٱُ ه َّنأََ نوُملَْعيَلََ باتَكِْلٱْ اوُتوُأَ نيذِ َّلٱ َّ نإِوَُ هرَْطشَْ مُكهَوُِجُوْ او ُّلوَفَْ مُتْنُكا مَ َ نوُلمَْعيَا َّمعَ }

(We and He, Ka'bah directed give have because him seen me peace, the turning nothing is in my power. away of thy heaven

{ بِهِمَا وَمَن َف َّو َّطيَن أَِ هْيلَعََ حانَُجَ لافََ رمَتَْعٱِ وأََ تْيبَْلٱ َّ جحَْ نمَفَِ ه َّللٱِ رئِآعَشَن مَِ ةوَْرمَْلٱوَا فَ َّصلٱ َّ نإِ ٌ ميلِعٌَ ركِاشََ ه َّللٱ َّ نإِفًَ ارْيخََ ع َّوطَتَ }

(Lo Sa‘id ‘Abd (the Allah ibn mountains) Muhammad ibn Muhammad As-Safa ibn Ahmad ibn and ‘Abd Al-Marwah Hisham> his father> ‘A’ishah who al-Zahid al-‘Aziz> informed are among the indications of Allah

(O ٱعْتَدَىٰ بَعْدَ ذٰلِكَ فَلَهُ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ }

[2:178]. power ye who believe Retaliation kill a free than Said is man the al-Sha‘bi: of other yours, and, “Fighting and for every therefore, took prescribed place between for you in the was revealed”. they woman said: of ‘For ours every two a man slave Arab of matter of the murdered

َ نيدِتَْعُمْلٱ ُّ بحُِيَ لاَ ه َّللٱ َّ نإِْ اوُۤدتَْعتََ لاوَْ مُكنَوُلتِاقَُيَ نيذِ َّلٱِ ه َّللٱِ ليبِسَي فِْ اوُلتِاقَوَ }

(Fight Salih> is in the way of Allah against those who fight Ibn 'Abbas: “These verses were revealed concerning against you

{ حْسِنِينَ ُمْلٱ ُّ بحُِيَ ه َّللٱ َّ نإِْ اوُۤنسِْحأَوَِ ةكَُلْه َّتلٱى لَإِْ مُكيدِْيأَبِْ اوُقْلُتَ لاوَِ ه َّللٱِ ليبِسَي فِْ اوُقفِْنأَوَ }

(Spend [2:195]. Ahmad ibn your who s Said of Allah, aid: exalted “This verse al-Husayn wealth ibn Muhammad for ibn the cause al-Zahid of Allah, informed and be not cast by your own hands to ruin

{ ٌ ميِح َّرٌ روُفَغَ ه َّلٱل َّ نَِ إه َّللٱْ واُرِفْغَتْسَٱوُ س َّانٱلَ ضَافَُ أثْيَحْ نِمْ اوُضيِفَأ َّ مُث do engage in trade”. }

(Then Tamimi Hisham hasten onward ibn informed ‘Urwa> through the Quraysh and of his from father> the the place chain ‘A’ishah whence that transmission the multitude from onward from Jam‘ in the Sacred Precinct. Allah, ‘Arafat while those who she exalted said: “The followed their religion used Yahya ibn mentioned hasteneth Arabs used above onward)

{ ِ دابَعِْلٱبٌِ فوُؤرَُ ه َّللٱوَِ ه َّللٱِ تاضَْرمََ ءآغَتِْبٱُ هسَْفنَي رِْشيَن مَِ سا َّنلٱَ نمِوَ }

(And Sa‘id bless ibn of him mankind they caught al-Musayyab: he who “When would Suhayb sell himself, set off to seeking emigrate the pleasure the Messenger Allah

{ ٌ ميلِعَِ هبَِ ه َّللٱ َّ نإِفٍَ رْيخَْ نمِْ اوُلعَْفتَا مَوَِ ليبِ َّسلٱ }

(They of who saying: Abu spend was ask Salih, it?' 'O Messenger very thee, Ibn old (O 'Abbas Muhammad), what they shall spend

َ نوُر َّكذَتَيَْ مُه َّلعَلَِ سا َّنللِِ هتِايَآُ ن ِّيبَُيوَِ هنِْذإِبِِ ةرَفِْغمَْلٱوَِ ة َّنجَْلٱى لَإِْ اوُۤعْديَ }

(Wed us> Abu his Khalid> not grandfather> idolatresses till they Bukayr ibn Abu Ma'ruf> 'Amr believe

ُ ه َّللٱوَِ را َّنلٱى لَإَِ نوُعْديََ كئِـٰلَْوُأْ مُكبَجَْعَٱلْمُشِرِكِينَ حَت َّىٰ يُؤْمِنُواْ وَلَعَبْدٌ م ُّؤْمِنٌ خَيْرٌ م ِّن م ُّشْرِكٍ وَلَوْ أ

him Hashim, Marthad peace, This woman used Mecca, to reached sent Mecca a man from Ghaniyy to called Marthad ibn Abi Marthad, an ally of Banu he abandoned her. to be try free some Muslims who She his ato said mistress woman to him: called in the 'Woe 'Anaq pre-Islamic unto heard I you, will O period of were his held prisoners there. Marthad but ar

{ ٌ ميحِ َّرٌ روُفغََ ه َّللٱ َّ نإِفَو ُءآفَْ نإِفٍَ رُهْشأَِ ةعَبَْرأَُ ص ُّبرَتَْ مهِئِآسَ ِّنن مَِ نوُلْؤُيَ نيذِ َّل ِّل }

us> 'Ubayd> (Those Muhammad who forswear 'Amir ibn ibn Ya'qub> their wives

تَعْلَمُونَ }

(And way

رُهُمْ عِنْدَ رَب ِّهِمْ وَلاَ ْجأَْ مُه َّلى ذًأََ لاوًَ اّنمَُ اوُقفَْنأَآ مََ نوُعبِْتُيَ لا َّ مُثِ ه َّللٱِ ليبِسَي فِْ مُهلَاوَْمأََ نوُقفِْنُيَ نيذِ َّلٱ خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلاَ هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ }

(Those was Rahman revealed who ibn spend 'Awf, about he their peace, four thousand silver coins to 'Uthman went wealth and ibn gave for 'Affan the the Messenger cause of and 'Abd Allah

وْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلاَ َ خَ لاوَْ مهِ ِّبرََ دنعِْ مُهُرْجأَْ مُهلَفًَ ةيَنِلاَعَوًَ اّرسِِ راهَ َّنلٱوَِ لْي َّللٱبِْ مُهلَاوَْمأََ نوُقفِْنُيَ نيذِ َّلٱ هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ }

(Those Ibr ibn al ahim -Hasan who Isma'il spend Yazid bless him ibn 'Abd and by ibn their Allah> ibn al-Khalil> Ibrahim wealth by night and day, by stealth and openly

َ نيِنِمْ ُّؤمْ مُتْنُكن ِإْ اَٰوب ِّرلٱَ نِمَ يِقَبا َمْ اُورَذََ وه َّللٱْ اُوق َّتٱْ اُونَمآَ نيِذ َّلٱا َه ُّيَأيٰ }

(O from informed ye usury) who believe Observe Fudayl> al-Kalbi> Abu Salih> Ibn ‘Abbas who said: “We heard, and Allah knows best, that us> [2:278]. Abu ‘Amr Muhammad this verse was revealed about the Banu ‘Amr ibn ‘Umayr ibn ‘Awf, from Thaqif, and Banu’l- ibn Hamdan> your ibn duty ‘Abd Abu to Allah, al-Rahman Ya‘la> and Ahmad give ibn Muhammad up

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