physique quiz

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Question: Which membranes cover and protect the brain and spinal cord?\tAnswer: The meninges are the three membranous envelopes—pia mater, arachnoid, and dura mater—that surround the brain and spinal cord. The meninges, together with the cerebrospinal fluid, protect the central nervous system. Question: In humans, the highest vertebra that supports the skull is known as the:\tAnswer: In humans, the skull is supported by the atlas, which is the highest vertebra. The atlas permits nodding motion. The atlas turns on the next-lower vertebra, the axis, to allow for side-to-side movement of the skull. Question: What is the longest segment of the small intestine?\tAnswer: The ileum is the longest (and final) segment of the small intestine. It is specifically responsible for the absorption of vitamin B12 and the reabsorption of conjugated bile salts. Question: What is the largest nerve in the human body?\tAnswer: The sciatic nerve is the largest and thickest nerve of the human body; it is the principal continuation of all the roots of the sacral plexus. It emerges from the spinal cord in the lumbar portion of the spine and runs down through the buttocks and the back of the thighs. Question: Which of these is the largest hollow space in a human body?\tAnswer: The abdominal cavity is the largest hollow space of the body. It contains the greater part of the digestive tract, the liver and pancreas, the spleen, the kidneys, and the adrenal glands. Question: Which of these transports urine from the kidneys to the bladder?\tAnswer: The ureter is a narrow, thick-walled duct that transports urine from a kidney to the bladder. A person typically has one ureter for each kidney. Each ureter is a narrow tube that is about 12 inches (30 cm) long.

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