at home workouts to lose stomach fat

List Docs
  • How do I lose belly fat?

    For the best results, combine a healthier diet, cardio, resistance training and core exercises. As you focus on losing belly fat, measuring your progress can hold you accountable, but it can also motivate you to continue to lose more, as long as you're working to maintain a healthy weight.

  • How do you burn belly fat if you squat a lot?

    The belly burning exercises below will do the trick. Begin the standing position. Squat down until your hand touch to floor in front of your toes. Shoot your feet back rapidly from the push-up position as you bring your chest to the ground. Press yourself back up while rapidly shooting your knees back up to the starting position.

  • How to lose a belly pooch with exercise?

    The best way to lose your belly pooch with exercise is to focus on those that are going to burn more calories while adding lean muscle. If you just do cardio workouts then this is going to be really hard to do. You should at the very least be adding in these belly fat burning exercises too.

  • Is aerobic exercise good for reducing belly fat?

    Do aerobic exercise (cardio) Aerobic exercise (cardio) is an effective way to improve your health and burn calories. Studies also show that it can be an effective form of exercise for reducing belly fat. However, results are mixed as to whether moderate or high intensity exercise is more beneficial ( 27, 28, 29 ).


If you want a flat stomach for its aesthetic appeal or as an indicator of strength, there are lots of stomach workouts you can do to burn fat, build muscle, and define your abs. If the endless lists of stomach exercises leave you unsure of which to choose, we’ve got you covered. Read on to learn a few key exercises you can do on your own as well as other tips to follow that will increase your odds of achieving a flat stomach. Do these exercises every other day so that your muscles have a chance to recover. On alternate days, focus on other types of exercise. Be careful if you have (or develop) pain in your neck, shoulders, or back.

Toe reaches

This exercise is perfect for beginners who want to build up a strong core. •Lie on your back with your feet raised and your legs at a 90-degree angle. •Engage your lower abdominals as you lift your upper body off the mat. •Reach your hands toward your toes, pausing for 1–2 seconds at the top. •Slowly lower back down. •Do 1–3 sets of 12–18 repetitions.

Side planks

For added support, drop your bottom knee to the floor. To add intensity, raise your top leg as high as possible, or do hip dips by lowering your hips almost to the floor and then back up again. •Lie on your right side with your right forearm below your shoulder. •Extend your legs, left foot on top of right. Tighten your core. •Lift your hips to form a straight line with your body. Raise your left arm straight up. •Rotate your torso toward the floor and bring your left arm under your body. •Rotate your torso and straighten your left arm to return to the starting position.

Bicycle crunches

For this exercise, be sure to rotate your core and avoid pulling with your hips or straining your neck. Root your lower back into the floor and draw your shoulders away from your ears. •Lie on your back with bent knees and your heels flat on the floor. •Interlace your fingers at the base of your skull. •Come into the starting position by engaging your core, lifting your upper body from the floor, and raising your knees so they’re directly above your hips. •On an exhale, twist your torso as you bring your right elbow and left knee toward each other. •At the same time, straighten and extend your right leg.

Boat pose (navasana)

This exercise builds core and spinal muscle. Elongate your spine and broaden across your chest throughout the pose. •From a seated position, lean back on your sitting bones and tailbone. •Raise your legs into the air to form a V shape. •Extend your arms in front so they’re parallel to the floor. •Hold for up to 1 minute. •Repeat 2–3 times.

Decline oblique crunches

You can do this exercise on a flat surface if you don’t have a decline bench. •Lie on a decline bench. •As you start to lift your upper body, place your left hand behind your head and your right hand on your left thigh. •Continue raising your upper body as you rotate your torso to the left side, bringing your right elbow to your left knee. •Pause here for 1–2 seconds. •Slowly lower back down to the starting position.


This explosive exercise works your core and helps to burn fat. •Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. •Squat down and place your palms in front of you on the floor directly under your shoulders. •Jump your legs back to come into a pushup position. •Do 1 pushup, then jump your feet back to the starting position. •Raise your arms overhead as you explosively jump.

Additional tips for a flat stomach

To get a flat stomach and visible, defined abs, you’ll need to tone up your whole body and lower your body fat percentage. There are plenty of ways you can do this, and lots of options involve small, simple changes to your daily life. Take a look at some of the following suggestions that can help to flatten out your belly. If you feel overwhelmed by choice, pick out the options that appeal to you most and will be easiest to implement into your life. •Keep moving. Engage in as much movement as possible, from formal exercise sessions to 5-minute bursts of activity during your day. Aim to do 30 to 60 minutes of exercise daily. •Sleep is key. Get plenty of high-quality sleep to allow your body to fully relax and restore. Sleeping for longer periods each night is associated with decreased hunger and appetite, plus you may have more energy to exercise. •Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water, which can not only flush out your system but also help you to feel full, thus avoiding unhealthy snacking. •Listen to your gut. Pay attention to your gut health, which influences your weight, mood, and inflammation levels. Make a point to have plenty of probiotic foods such as pickles, tempeh, and kombucha.

How long before I start to see results?

The time it takes to achieve a flat stomach is different for everyone. It depends on a number of factors, including your body fat percentage. You may start seeing signs of progress within a few weeks of consistent exercise, but it can take from a few months up to a year of work before you see the full results.

Key takeaways

A flat stomach is an attainable goal as long as you commit to a healthy exercise and lifestyle plan and stick to it. You should start to see visible improvements within a few weeks to a few months. How you wish to measure your success is up to you. You can base it on how you feel, how certain clothes fit, or actual measurements from your waist and hips.

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