Cours PHP

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PDF Introduction to PHP

PHP is a scripting language – it gets interpreted instead of being compiled like C++ and Java Unlike JavaScript which is executed by the web browser all PHP code is executed on the web server The syntax is very similar to Perl and C Variables are case sensitive function names are not and statements must be terminated with a semicolon PHP co


PHP/FI 2 0 sort en 1997 toujours développé par une seule personne C'est le succès : 50000 sites (1 des noms de domaines) disent l'utiliser ou le supporter Les contributeurs affluent PHP 3 0 sort en juin 1998 c'est la première version développée conjointement par Rasmus Lerdorf – – – – – – • • •

  • Est-ce que le cours PHP est gratuit ?

    Le cours PHP : Les bases est entièrement gratuit et l'auteur ne veut pas de compensation. Comme mentionné précédemment, vous pouvez faire des recherches et trouver d'autres cours attrayants PDF aussi. Support de cours à télécharger gratuitement sur les bases du langage de programmation web PHP, document de formation PDF par Thierry VAIRA.

  • Est-ce que PHP et MySQL sont gratuits ?

    Les codes des différents exemples vous seront fournis. Cependant, je vous conseille d’adopter une attitude active et de vous exercer sur chacun d’entre eux plutôt que de simplement les copier-coller si vous souhaitez véritablement progresser. Ce cours complet PHP et MySQL est 100% gratuit.

  • Qu'est-ce que le cours de programmationphp ?

    Ce cours est un tutoriel de programmation PHP en accéléré. Il est destiné aux étudiants de l’IUT d’Orléans et aux personnes qui souhaitent apprendre le PHP rapidement. Il est basé sur les versions au moins 8 de PHP et 5 de Symfony. Il est mis à jour régulièrement.

  • Qui a créé le langagephp ?

    Rasmus Lerdorf, un programmeur Groenlandais avec la nationalité canadienne, crée PHP en 1994 pour analyser les connexions sur son site Web. Il réalise les 2 premières moutures du langage (v1 et v2). En 1997, deux étudiants, Andi Gutmans et Zeev Suraski, reprennent le moteur, il en sortira PHP 3.0 puis les outils Zend.

I. Some Basics

PHP is a scripting language – it gets interpreted instead of being compiled like C++ and Java. Unlike JavaScript which is executed by the web browser, all PHP code is executed on the web server. The syntax is very similar to Perl and C. Variables are case sensitive, function names are not, and statements must be terminated with a semicolon. PHP co


The following is a quick introduction and summary of many aspects of the PHP language for those who have some programming experience. Although this overview is not intended to be an exhaustive examination of PHP, it is comprehensive enough for you to get started building non-trivial web applications with PHP. See the official PHP manual for more

On-line Resources – PHP distribution, tutorials, newsgroups, and more. - PHP and MySQL tutorials, scripts, forums, and more. – Collection of PHP resources.

Hello World

If your web server supports PHP, type this example into a text file called hello.php and access it in your browser by typing the complete URL (e.g., Depending on how your web server is configured, your .php file will need the proper permissions so the web server can access and execute the PHP script.

echo " Hello, $name ";

Hello World Hello, World View in browser View source ini_set('display_errors', '1'); error_reporting(E_ALL E_STRICT); Note that if the php.ini file already has these settings, you don’t need to use these lines of code.


The three following styles are legal: # Perl style single line comment /* Multiple line comments */ // Single line comment

Variables and Data Types

Always starts with $ and letter or underscore. Can be composed of numbers, underscores, and letters. $my_var = 10; $a_2nd_var = "bison"; Data types: integers, doubles (numbers with a decimal point), boolean (true or false), NULL, strings, arrays, objects, and resources (like database connections). Variables do not have to be declared and neith


Assignment = += -= /= *= %= ++ -- - like most programming languages. .= - string concatenation operator (see strings section). Arithmetic 1. + - * / % like most programming languages. Comparison == = < > <= >= - like most programming languages. Also <> is the same as =. === - true if arguments are equal and the same


// $colors now contains red and blue at indexes 0 and 2. H. Extracting array keys and values: $states = array_keys($capitals); $cities = array_values($capitals); I. Iterating through an array: // $states is ("CO", "AR") // $cities is ("Denver", "Little Rock") $heroes = array('Spider-Man', 'Hulk', 'Wolverine'); foreach ($heroes as $name) pri


// Heroes are now in alphabetical order (lowest to highest)


// Reverse alphabetical order (highest to lowest)

VIII. Functions

PHP pre-defined functions are documented at . Functions may be declared anywhere in the source code (i.e., they do not need to be defined before they are called as C++ requires). Function names are case-insensitive, though it is usually good form to call functions as they appear in their declaration. Definin


Concatenation $full_name = $first_name . " " . $last_name; // results in "Bob Smith" Some PHP string functions. View the complete list at int strlen($str) Returns string length. int

File I/O

PHP can access any file that is stored on the web server, as long as it has the proper permissions. HTTP, FTP, and STD read/write can also be used with file functions. See for functions that set file permissions, copy and delete files, access file modification times, and a lot more. Open file with fop


if (isset($custname)) echo "Hello, $custname";

XVIII. Classes and Objects

PHP supports many object-oriented programming concepts like constructors, destructors, abstract classes and methods, interfaces, dynamic creation of members and methods, etc. For a complete discussion, see Declare a base class with a constructor and destructor. The __toString() method is useful for

Database Access - MySQL

PHP supports most popular databases including MySQL, Oracle, MS Access, SQL Server, SQLite, etc. Many PHP developers use MySQL ( because of its cost (free in most cases) and durability. Detailed guide to MySQL Improved Extension (MySQLi) at You must first connect to the MySQL server

Tutoriel / Cours Complet PhP & MySQL [Chapitre 1/27] : Introduction au PhP

Tutoriel / Cours Complet PhP & MySQL [Chapitre 1/27] : Introduction au PhP

PHP Tutorial for Beginners

PHP Tutorial for Beginners

Apprendre le PHP : Chapitre 1 Présentation de PHP

Apprendre le PHP : Chapitre 1 Présentation de PHP

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PDF Cours PHP Accéléré - Université dOrléans

PDF Cours PHP - Wikimedia Commons

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PDF NOTIONS DE BASE en programmation Web avec PHP - Cnam

PDF Apprendre PHP Pour Les Zéros - Zenk - Security

PDF Cours Web - PHP - Thierry VAIRA Homepage


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