cityscapes dataset pytorch

List Docs
  • What PyTorch image datasets do I need to build a custom dataset?

    Before building a custom dataset, it is useful to be aware of the built-in PyTorch image datasets. PyTorch provides many built-in/pre-prepared/pre-baked image datasets through torchvision, including: LSUN, ImageNet, CIFAR, STL10, SVHN, PhotoTour, SBU, Flickr, VOC, Cityscapes, SBD, USPS, Kinetics-400, HMDB51, UCF101, and CelebA.

  • Who can use the cityscapes dataset?

    This Cityscapes Dataset is made freely available to academic and non-academic entities for non-commercial purposes such as academic research, teaching, scientific publications, or personal experimentation. Permission is granted to use the data given that you agree to our license terms.

  • How PyTorch provides iterabledataset class?

    To do this pytorch provides IterableDataset class as a replacement of the Dataset class. Unlike Dataset class which stores the data and provides a method to return the data at a specified index, the IterableDataset class provides an __iter__ method which returns an iterator for looping over the dataset instead.


PyTorch implementation of DeepLabV3, trained on the Cityscapes dataset. •Youtube video of results:


Using a VM on PaperspacePretrained modelTraining a model on CityscapesEvaluationVisualizationDocumentation of remaining code


To train models and to run pretrained models (with small batch sizes), you can use an Ubuntu 16.04 P4000 VM with 250 GB SSD on Paperspace. Below I have listed what I needed to do in order to get started, and some things I found useful. •Install docker-ce: •$ curl -fsSL sudo apt-key add - •$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" •$ sudo apt-get update •$ sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce

Pretrained model:

Train model on Cityscapes: •SSH into the paperspace server. •$ sudo sh •$ cd -- •$ python deeplabv3/utils/ (ONLY NEED TO DO THIS ONCE) •$ python deeplabv3/


evaluation/ •SSH into the paperspace server. •$ sudo sh •$ cd -- •$ python deeplabv3/utils/ (ONLY NEED TO DO THIS ONCE) •$ python deeplabv3/evaluation/ •This will run the pretrained model (set on line 31 in on all images in Cityscapes val, compute and print the loss, and save the predicted segmentation images in deeplabv3/training_logs/model_eval_val. evaluation/ •SSH into the paperspace server. •$ sudo sh •$ cd -- •$ python deeplabv3/utils/ (ONLY NEED TO DO THIS ONCE) •$ python deeplabv3/evaluation/ •$ cd deeplabv3/cityscapesScripts •$ pip install . (ONLY NEED TO DO THIS ONCE) •$ python build_ext --inplace (ONLY NEED TO DO THIS ONCE) (this enables cython, which makes the cityscapes evaluation script run A LOT faster) •$ export CITYSCAPES_RESULTS="/root/deeplabv3/training_logs/model_eval_val_for_metrics" •$ export CITYSCAPES_DATASET="/root/deeplabv3/data/cityscapes" •$ python cityscapesscripts/evaluation/ •This will run the pretrained model (set on line 55 in on all images in Cityscapes val, upsample the predicted segmentation images to the original Cityscapes image size (1024, 2048), and compute and print performance metrics:


visualization/ •SSH into the paperspace server. •$ sudo sh •$ cd -- •$ python deeplabv3/utils/ (ONLY NEED TO DO THIS ONCE) •$ python deeplabv3/visualization/ •This will run the pretrained model (set on line 33 in on all images in the Cityscapes demo sequences (stuttgart_00, stuttgart_01 and stuttgart_02) and create a visualization video for each sequence, which is saved to deeplabv3/training_logs/model_eval_seq. See Youtube video from the top of the page. visualization/ •SSH into the paperspace server. •$ sudo sh •$ cd -- •$ python deeplabv3/utils/ (ONLY NEED TO DO THIS ONCE) •$ python deeplabv3/visualization/ •This will run the pretrained model (set on line 31 in on all images in the Thn sequence (real-life sequence collected with a standard dash cam) and create a visualization video, which is saved to deeplabv3/training_logs/model_eval_seq_thn. See Youtube video from the top of the page.

Documentation of remaining code

•model/ •Definition of the custom Resnet model (output stride = 8 or 16) which is the backbone of DeepLabV3. •model/ •Definition of the Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (ASPP) module. •model/ •Definition of the complete DeepLabV3 model.

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