complementary colors to blue and orange

List Docs
  • What is a complementary color scheme?

    In this traditional scheme, a complementary color pair contains one primary color (yellow, blue or red) and a secondary color (green, purple or orange). The complement of any primary color can be made by combining the two other primary colors. For example, to achieve the complement of yellow (a primary color) one could combine red and blue.

  • Are blue and orange complementary?

    Orange and blue are a naturally perfect pair. They are fire and water, yin and yang. As opposites on the color wheel, they are considered complementary, which means that when you put them next to each other, they enhance one another, making blues appear bluer and oranges, well, oranger.

  • What colors complement each other?

    When you look directly across from any color on the color wheel, you see its complement. For example, the complement of blue is orange because orange is directly across from blue. Other complementary color pairs include red and green, yellow and purple. Complementary colors have the highest amount of visual contrast of any two colors.

  • What colors go well with a color scheme?

    These contrasting color schemes can also be found in nature and lend a vibrant yet natural feel to a design. Take, for example, orange coral standing out in the blue of the ocean, or lavender against the soft green of the foliage. Above is an example of a complementary combination: blue and orange.

Royal Blue and Orange

Hex Codes: #4169e1, #ff6b35, #eef4ed Blue and orange are complementary colors, so it makes sense that various shades of orange pair beautifully with various shades of blue. But if you want a combination that really pops, royal blue and orange are great choices Choose vivid orange and royal blue for an extra-bright color scheme, or go with burnt or

Pewter and Orange

Hex Codes: #adb4bf, #efa00b, #554348 If you like neutrals but want something with a little more pizazz, metallic shades are a great addition to any room. Pewter goes with just about any color. But gray shades look nice with orange, and the brushed, silvery glow of pewter is very close to gray. Pewter excels as an accent color. And since it’s a comm

Slate Blue and Orange

Hex Codes: #5b7c99, #ff8c42, #cfe8ef Gray and blue both go well with orange. So if you can’t decide between the two, slate blue is a great option. Slate blue is just blue enough to work as a complement to orange and just gray enough to function almost like a neutral. This color scheme works best if you choose slate blue as your main color and orang

Brick Red and Orange

Hex Codes: #cb4154, #f6c28b, #7e8987 Since red and orange are both hot colors, combining them in a room might not sound advisable. But this combination looks best with little hints of brick red. The best way to do this is to add a Moroccanrug to a room with orange walls. The result is a somewhat off-beat, bohemian aesthetic. If you want to incorpor

Mustard Yellow and Orange

Hex Codes: #ffdb58, #cc5500, #3f7cac Like red, yellow is a hot color that can actually look nice with orange when incorporated carefully. Mustard yellow is a classic, muted yellow that has recently made a comeback in the world of design. If you choose to combine these colors, try adding a cooler color like navy or denim blue. A living room with whi

Warm White and Orange

Hex Codes: #fef9f3, #de9151, #424242 Warm white and shades of cream combine nicely with orange. They’re great shades to choose if you like the orange and white look but prefer a softer combination with a little less contrast. This vintage-inspired combination looks nice in patterned wallpaper or on rugs. You might also consider pastel-orange walls

Lime Green and Orange

Hex Codes: #32cd32, #f18805, #cccccc This might sound like a surprising combination. But in design, lime green isn’t the borderline-fluorescent shade many of us think of. It’s closer to the actual color of the skin of a lime. Since it’s bright but still a little muted, it can be combined with orange without becoming too overwhelming. Try a lime gre

Cool Gray and Orange

Hex Codes: #8c92ac, #f39237, #fff8f0 Speaking of gray, this is another classic color that goes with orange. Cooler shades of gray are especially effective at balancing out orange’s vivacious energy. So if you’re hoping to incorporate bright, orange-peel orange into your home, cooler grays are an excellent choice for grounding. You can create a cris

Cyan and Orange

Hex Codes: #00ffff, #f79256, #9899a6 If you like the combination of blue and orange but would prefer a higher-energy blue, look no further than cyan. And though vintage design schemes tend to combine cherry red and cyan, cyan looks great with orange as well. This combination will give you a cool, retro vibe when combined with black and white. For a

Violet and Orange

Hex Codes: #7f00ff, #f8bd7f, #979aaa Violet’s blue undertones make it a good choice for pairing with orange. This is a combination that has the potential to become garish if not used carefully. One way to incorporate it is to include a patterned tapestry that includes orange, violet, and possibly other colors. If you want a bolder aesthetic, try co

Simple Color Theory Basics for Beginner Artists: Complementary COLORS Blue/Orange

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Complementary Colours Explained. What Are They and How To Use Them.(Hints & Tips on Colour Mixing)

Complementary Colours Explained. What Are They and How To Use Them.(Hints & Tips on Colour Mixing)

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