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Q9: What are the chlorine and bromine reactions that destroy

ClO or Cl When starting with ClO, the first reaction is ClO with O to form Cl Cl then reacts with (and thereby destroys) ozone and reforms ClO The cycle then begins again with another reaction of ClO with O Because Cl or ClO is reformed each time an ozone molecule is destroyed, chlorine is con-sidered a catalyst for ozone destruc-tion

Chemical Kinetics - Cal State LA We Are LA

ClO + ClO ClOOCl k 2 ClOOCl + h Cl + ClOO k 3 ClOO Cl + O 2 k 4 Cl + O 3 ClO + O 2 k 1 The Reaction Rate Law Example (con’t ): Oxygen is formed in reactions 1 (repeated in last step of mechanism) and 4 We write a rate for each of these reactions and sum them to get a total rate of oxygen formation: 2k [Cl][O ] k [ClOO] k [Cl][O ] k [ClOO] k

20 Questions: 2010 Update Section II: THE OZONE DEPLETION

to begin with either ClO or Cl When starting with ClO, the first reaction is ClO with O to form Cl Then, Cl reacts with ozone and re-forms ClO, consum-ing ozone in the process The cycle then begins again with another reaction of ClO with O Chlo-rine is considered a catalyst for ozone destruction because Cl and ClO are re-formed each time the

ClO (aq) + Cr(OH)3(s) CrO42-(aq) + Cl (aq) Reduction

Step 1: Chlorine Cl+ Cl-Step 2: ClO-ÆCl-Step 3: ClO-ÆCl-Step 4: (Balance O) ClO-ÆCl-+ H 2O (Balance H) ClO-+ 2H 2OÆCl-+ H 2O + 2OH-Step 5: ClO-+ H 2O +2e-ÆCl-+ 2OH-Oxidation Step 1: Chromate Cr3+ Cr6+ Step 2: Cr(OH) 3 ÆCrO 4 2-Step 3: Cr(OH) 3 ÆCrO 4 2-Step 4: (Balance O) Cr(OH) 3 + H 2OÆCrO 4 2-(Balance H) Cr(OH) 3 + H 2O + 5OH-ÆCrO 4

Collateralized Loan Obligations (CLOs) Primer

leveraged bank loans (assets) and classes of CLO debt (liabilities), with the equity investors receiving any excess cash flows after the debt investors are paid in full Arbitrage CLOs account for 90-95 of CLO transactions The CLO is structured as a special-purpose vehicle (SPV), and sometimes the CLO manager is an equity holder

Chemical Kinetics Reaction Mechanisms

Cl + O 3 → ClO + O 2 ClO + ClO → ClOOCl ClOOCl + hν → Cl + ClOO ClOO → Cl + O 2 Cl + O 3 → ClO + O 2 net: 2 O 3 → 3 O 2 Reactants Intermediates Products Catalysts Reaction Mechanisms Each elementary reaction has a rate coefficient associated with it The rate coefficient, given the symbol k, is a measure of how fast that specific

Unimolecular steps are steps that involve only one reactant

Cl atoms are used in first reaction, but regenerated in second, so overall they are not consumed – Cl atoms act as a catalyst (c) Is ClO a catalyst or a reaction intermediate? ClO is a reaction intermediate (d) What distinguishes a catalyst from an intermediate? A catalyst is not consumed in the overall process, whereas an

Stable Isotope Analysis ClO -1 - NASA

Stable Isotope Analysis ClO 4-4 1 Oceans of the Earth have a ratio of 35 Cl to 37 Cl of 76:24 2 This is based upon the Standard Mean Ocean Chloride (SMOC) 3 Deviation from this mean is calculated by 37 Cl = (37 Cl/ 35 Cl) sample / (37 Cl/ 35 Cl)smoc – 1 Ocean Water 37 Cl = 0 0‰ SIA of ClO 4 37 Cl vs 18 O in the


La rémanence du gaz ClO 2 dans l’eau Non corrosif aux doses préconisées Le contrôle des odeurs Opérant d’un pH de 4 à 10 Efficace indépendamment de la température de l’eau (Jusqu’à 79ºC) LES + DU ClO 2 APPLICATIONS ACTIF CONTRE

[PDF] Understanding Investments in Collateralized Loan

A CLO consists of a Loan Portfolio and issued CLO Securities There can be no assurance potential returns will be achieved As with any investment there is risk, including the loss of principal 1 The sample CLO economics shown are for illustrative purposes only and based on a CLO structure Ares believes is typical of recent primary CLOs

[PDF] Collateralized loan obligations (CLO) Accounting Tax

The Attorneys—A CLO’s bond counsel provides legal advice and tax opinions and oversees the drafting of the private placement offering memorandum and indenture A CLO fund’s deal counsel is responsible for drafting the CLO fund’s articles of incorporation, bylaws, and motions/minutes of a CLO funds board of directors’ meeting The collateral manager and trustee each employ counsel for

Problème 3 : les ions hypochlorite

ClO c représente la variation de concentration des ions hypochlorite entre l’état courant et l’état initial Vérifier qu’il s’agit d’une droite et déterminer la valeur expérimentale du coefficient directeur de celle -ci Nous comp létons le tableau de valeurs : t /jour 0 1 3,2 6,8 14,8 25 47,0 77,2 /mol ⋅L−1 ClO−

[PDF] Le Contrôle Laitier Officiel caprin (CLO)

Le Contrôle Laitier Officiel caprin (CLO) Réalisé par le pôle productions animales Prestation: Individuelle & conseil suivi Conseil spécialisé en élevage ovin-caprin lait et contrôle de performances Contribuer à la sauvegarde de la chèvre corse tout en améliorant ses niveaux de production


ClO-(aq) / Cl 2(g) et Cl 2(g) / Cl-(aq) Ecrire les deux demi-équations d'oxydoréduction correspondantes 2 A partir de ces deux demi-équations d'oxydoréduction, donner une équation chimique ayant pour seuls réactifs Cl 2(g) et H 2 O Corrigé Exercice 1 : Ecrire les demi-équations d'oxydoréduction relatives aux couples suivants: Al3+ (aq)-/ Al

[PDF] TP 10 : Dosage des ions hypochlorites d’une eau de Javel

Étape 1 : Pour transformer ClO en diiode, on le fait réagir avec des ions iodures I introduits en excès La réaction a lieu en milieu basique car l’eau de Javel est basique, et implique les couples d’oxydoréductionClO /Cl etIO 3 /I Ceci“transforme” lesClO enIO 3 Étape2:Pouratteindrel’objectifinitial,ilfautencoretransformerlesionsIO

[PDF] CLO Structures An evolution - Deloitte

Contents Executive summary 1 What is a CLO? 2 Regulation of CLOs 6 Industry issues facing CLOs 8 Tackling risk retention 9 Next steps 10 Contacts 11 
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[PDF] CLO Primer - Intermediate Capital Group

3 jui 2020 · Residual cash flows are paid to the CLO equity investors What is a CLO? Institutional investors access the senior secured loan market by 
clo primer

[PDF] A Guide for CLO Managers and Arrangers - Loan Market Association

There is no need for a true sale of the assets, so synthetics are caught The rules affect investors in CLOs who are EU banks or regulated investment firms, but CLO 
The Regulatory Route Map A Guide for CLO Managers and Arrangers

[PDF] CLOs: a financial stability perspective - European Central Bank

CLO tranches outstanding are generally also better protected than before the crisis: AAA European CLO tranches now have collateral backing of around 40  
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[PDF] SFA Full CLO FINAL v2 - Structured Finance Association

Nonetheless, CLOs are structured in a way to actively manage risk for the bond investors Asset managers carefully select institutional loans CLO bonds range 
SFA CLO White Paper

[PDF] Weighted average life divides CLO industry - Walkers Global

We asked only CLO investors and traders about the weighted average life assump- tions they make for new CLO investments, and the results reveal a complete 
. . Creditflux CLO Census

Step 4: (Balance O) ClO- ? Cl

Step 1: Chlorine Cl+ Cl-. Step 2: ClO- ? Cl-. Step 3: ClO- ? Cl-. Step 4: (Balance O) ClO- ? Cl- + H. 2. O. (Balance H) ClO- + 2H. 2. O? Cl- + H.

Yükseltgenme Basama?? (Y.B. ) veya Yükseltgenme (oksidasyon

Metallerle yapt??? ikili bile?iklerinde. Grup7. Grup6. Grup5. –1. –2. –3. NaCl Cl =–1; PCl5

Chemical Kinetics Reaction Mechanisms

atom from ozone leaving ClO and molecular oxygen. Cl O. O. O. ? Cl-O + O-O. Reaction Mechanisms. ? Why does this chemistry occur over.


ClO. Cl (ion hypochlorite / ion chlorure) : Étape 1 : Écrire la demi-équation du couple en milieu acide. 2. (aq). (aq).

The Atmospheric Oxidation of HONO by OH Cl


List of gas phase chemical reactions included in the model rate

Cl reactions. Cl + HO2. ? HCl + O2. Cl + HO2. ? ClO + OH. Cl + H2O2. ? HCl + HO2. Cl + O3. ? ClO + O2. Cl + CH4. ? HCl + CH3O2. Cl + C2H2. ? HCl + HO2.

Q9: What are the chlorine and bromine reactions that destroy

ClO + O and Cl + O3. The net result of Cycle 1 is to con- vert one ozone molecule and one oxygen atom into two oxygen molecules. In each cycle chlorine acts 

What are the chlorine and bromine reactions that destroy

The cycle is made up of two basic reactions: Cl + O3 and ClO + O. The net result of Cycle 1 is to convert one ozone molecule and one oxygen atom into two oxygen 

CH342 Handin Homework 8 Answers 1. Draw the Lewis structures

1. Draw the Lewis structures and determine the formal charge and hybridization for the chlorine in ClO4. -. ClO3. -.

Understanding the kinetics of the ClO dimer cycle

?eld observations of ClO and Cl 2O2 A value for Keq was de-termined from analysis of atmospheric measurements of ClO and Cl2O2 by von Hobe et al (2005) Avallone and Toohey (2001) also estimated a value for Keq based on atmospheric measurements of ClO and estimates of the concentration of Cl2O2 deduced assuming complete chlorine activation

Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs Ordered by Strength Acids Bases

4 ClO 4 – H 2SO 4 HSO 4 – HCl Cl– HNO 3 NO 3 – H 3O + H 2O H 2C 2O 4 (oxalic acid) HC 2O 4 – [H 2SO 3] = SO 2(aq) + H 2O HSO 3 – HSO 4 – SO 4 2– HNO 2 NO 2 – HF F– HCO 2H (formic acid) HCO 2 – C 6H 5CO 2H (benzoic acid) C 6H 5CO 2 – HC 2O 4 – (hydrogen oxalate) C 2O 4 2– CH 3CO 2H (acetic acid) CH 3CO 2 – H 2CO 3

Balancing REDOX Reactions: Learn and Practice

Apr 17 2013 · ClO 3 ¯ (aq) + I 2 (s) ! IO 3 ¯ (aq) + Cl¯ (aq) Oxidation Numbers: +5 -2 0 ! +5 -2 -1 • Yes the Iodine (I) has been oxidized and the Chlorine (Cl) has been reduced • Now we break the reaction into two half-reactions: Oxidation ½ Reaction: I 2! IO 3 ¯ Reduction ½ Reaction: ClO 3 ¯ ! Cl¯

ClO (aq) + Cr(OH)3(s) CrO42-(aq) + Cl (aq) Reduction

Step 1: Chlorine Cl+ Cl-Step 2: ClO-ÆCl-Step 3: ClO-ÆCl-Step 4: (Balance O) ClO-ÆCl-+ H 2O (Balance H) ClO-+ 2H 2OÆCl-+ H 2O + 2OH-Step 5: ClO-+ H 2O +2e-ÆCl-+ 2OH-Oxidation Step 1: Chromate Cr3+ Cr6+ Step 2: Cr(OH) 3 ÆCrO 4 2-Step 3: Cr(OH) 3 ÆCrO 4 2-Step 4: (Balance O) Cr(OH) 3 + H 2OÆCrO 4 2-(Balance H) Cr(OH) 3 + H 2O + 5OH-ÆCrO 4

Q9: What are the chlorine and bromine reactions that destroy

ClO or Cl When starting with ClO the first reaction is ClO with O to form Cl Cl then reacts with (and thereby destroys) ozone and reforms ClO The cycle then begins again with another reaction of ClO with O Because Cl or ClO is reformed each time an ozone molecule is destroyed chlorine is con-sidered a catalyst for ozone destruc-tion

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