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[PDF] ALTO Workshop 2013 - Institut national de physique

ALTO Workshop 2013 - SECOND CIRCULAR – We are pleased to inform you that the 2nd Workshop on the physics at the TANDEM/ALTO facility will be held in Orsay, France, on May 14 th-15 2013 The workshop is hosted by the Institut de Physique

[PDF] From Orion to Andromeda flying with Pegasus - IPN Orsay

[PDF] The Alto photofission facility at IPN Orsay

2013: zinc with frequency tripling 2014: off-line chamber for development of laser schemes First step Second step Collaboration IPN Orsay, Isolde, Univ Manchester, Univ Mainz Rialto: Resonant laser ionisation at Alto electron multiplier laser ohmic heating Zn: 4s4p 1P 1 → 4s4d 1D 2

[PDF] ALTO - GSI Indico (Indico)

ALTO NUSPIN Workshop 26th-29th June 2017 IPN, coll CSNSM, IPHC IPN, coll JINR (Russia), IPHC IPN, coll CSNSM, TANDAR (Argentina), INRNE (Bulgaria) BEDO setup in gamma mode can host 4 clovers BEDO setup in neutron mode Dubna neutron detector TETRA BEDO setup fast timing mode LaBr3 + Ge PhD: A Etilé (CSNSM) M A Cardona PRC 91, 064317 (2015

[PDF] Georgi Georgiev, CSNSM, Orsay, France

2013: Zinc with frequency tripling 2014: Off-line chamber for development of laser schemes First step Second step Collaboration IPN Orsay, Isolde, Univ Manchester, Univ Mainz Rialto: Resonant laser ionisation at Alto electron multiplier laser ohmic heating Zn: 4s4p 1P 1 → 4s4d 1D 2

[PDF] Highlights of the LICORNE physics program and prospects

ALTO NUSPIN Workshop 26th-29th June 2017 Jonathan Wilson, Matthieu Lebois, Liqiang Qi IPN Orsay Highlights of the LICORNE physics program and prospects for future experiments at NFS LICORNE: Neutron production in inverse kinematics n n n n Target H 2 200 nA 7Li 13-17 MeV Lithium Inverse Cinematiques ORsay NEutron source reaction p(7Li,7Be)n using inverse kinematics Source of fast

[PDF] Survey of the main experimental setups for low energy ISOL

[PDF] 40

point was the stay, at IPN Orsay, of Academician Yuri Oganessian in Prof Lefort’s team participat-ing to a first experiment for the synthesis of SHE in the region Z = 126, N = 184 taking advan-tage of the availability of an intense Kr beam Even if this search was not successful, this joint experiment has contributed to the longstanding

[PDF] The Alto photofission facility at IPN Orsay - Agenda INFN

Stable beams (2013) 3928 h /y 25 light ion beams 984 h May 2013: Alto workshop The Alto Collaboration IPN Orsay, Isolde, Univ Manchester, Univ
S Franchoo

[PDF] IPN Orsay Service Détecteurs - Indico - IN2P3

Manpower IN2P3 pour les détecteurs gazeux en 2013 : ~54 FTE (2012: ~56 CENBG + CERN PCB Workshop Connectique traversante TPC IPN Orsay d' ions lourds en sortie d'aimant du spectromètre BACCHUS (TANDEM/ALTO Orsay )
JPe journee inst in p nov V

[PDF] Tuesday 14 May 2013 Session I RIB and exotic nuclei - IPN Orsay

Tuesday 14 May 2013 08:45 09:30 Registration 09:30 09:50 Welcome and introduction to the ALTO facility F Azaiez (IPN Orsay) 18:00 End of the Workshop

[PDF] Physique des réactions nucléaires et applications à lénergie

Laurent Audouin – Activités du groupe PACS à l'IPN Orsay Physique des L S Le Long, 2010-2013 Service de cibles stables ➢ Expertise en sûreté et radioprotection ➢ Groupe de radiochimie ➢ Complément à Alto, RBS au Tandem
Groupe PACS. Audouin

[PDF] ALTO, the Tandem and the e-Driven ISOL Facility in Orsay

The Alto facility S Franchoo IPN Orsay May 2013: Alto Workshop The Alto 2013 ~20 detectors back from Warsaw + Loan Pool 0 to 20 mm distance target-  
Par A Franchoo

PDF (3045 MB) - Reflets de la physique

Depuis 2013, l'installation ALTO (2) Service de physique nucléaire, Irfu/DSM, CEA/Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex CNRS/IPN Orsay - Luc PETIZON
refdp p

[PDF] Orsay Institute of Nuclear Physics IPNO

16 déc 2013 · IPN-Orsay is the largest nuclear, hadron and accelerator physics seminars), which speaks to a high international standing IPNO's local research facility ( ALTO) with its ancillary equipment has also been very attractive for external effective FTE numbers had a 30 reduction from 2008 to 2013

[PDF] Diapositive 1 - CERN Indico

from ALTO and ORGAM MINIBALL Workshop, 24-25 October 2013, CERN Iolanda MATEA (IPNO/France) beta decay spectroscopy Verney – IPN Orsay 
MiniballWshp MINORCA IMatea

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