PDF 5th Session, 50th Legislature, New Brunswick, 36 Elizabeth II, 1987 PDF

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3rd Session, 50th Legislature, 3 e Legislature, New Brunswick

3rd Session, 50th Legislature, New Brunswick, 34 Elizabeth II, 1985 • • STA:l'U'l'E LAW AMENDMENT ACT 1985 HON F G DUBE Q C • 3 e session 50e Legislature, Nouveau-Brunswick, 34 Elizabeth II, 1985 LOI DE 1985 PORTANT CORRECTION DE LOIS • • , L'HON F G DUBE C R

4th Session, 50th Legislature, Nouveau-Brunswick, 35

4th Session, 50th Legislature, New Brunswick, 35 Elizabeth II, 1986 AN ACT TO AMEND THE BARRISTERS' SOCIETY ACT MR EDWIN G ALLEN • 4' session 50' Legislature, Nouveau-Brunswick, 35 Elizabeth II, 1986 LOI MODIFIANT LA LOI SUR VASSOCIATION DES AVOCATS -M EDWIN G ALLEN

Legislative Activities - New Brunswick

The Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick and the Committees of the Assembly sat a record number of days in 2004 The First Session of the Fifty-fifth Legislature, which opened July 29, 2003—several weeks after a provincial election—and sat during August and again during December, resumed March 30, 2004, with the presen-


50TH LEGISLATURE SESSION The meeting of the Long Range Planning Subcommittee was called to order by Chairman Rep Robert Thoft on January 14, 1987 at 8:00 a m , in Room 202B of the State Capitol ROLL CALL: All members of the Long Range Planning subcom­ mittee were present Tape 13:A:000 CULTURAL AND AESTHETIC PROJECTS

Legal Citation: Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation, 8th

Bill Number, Title, Session, Legislature, Year, 50 NBLR 200 --- this is page 200 in the 50th volume of the New Brunswick Law Reports The end of the


May 04, 2004 · Fourth Session Twenty-Fifth Legislature Tuesday, May 4, 2004 The Speaker took the Chair at 1:30 p m Members' Statements Mr Knight, Hon Member for Grande Prairie-Smoky, made a statement regarding the 100th anniversary of Rolls-Royce on May 4, 2004 Mr Ducharme, Hon Member for Bonnyville-Cold Lake, made a statement regarding

Getting the Job Done - New Brunswick

continue to lead New Brunswick into new beginnings Congratulations / Recognition A number of New Brunswickers have had noteworthy recognition and achievements since our last session of the legislature New Brunswick is home to the Royal Canadian Legion 2020-2021 National Silver Cross Mother, Mrs Deborah Sullivan of Summerville

Legislative Assembly of Alberta Members’ Statements

Nov 06, 2007 · the Legislature a group of 37 grade 6 students from Sturgeon New Brunswick, and eventually found that many people The year 2007 is the 50th anniversary for

Legislator Report Card - Georgia Center For Opportunity

LIGON, William, 3RD R Brunswick Y Y Y Y Y Y 16 16 A+ LUCAS, David, 26TH D Macon Y Y N N N - 4 13 D MARTIN, P K , 9TH R Lawrenceville Y Y Y Y Y E 13 13 A MCKOON, Josh, 29TH R Columbus Y Y Y Y Y Y 16 16 A+ MILLAR, Fran, 40TH R Atlanta Y Y Y Y Y Y 16 16 A+


families and our local communities As we begin this opening session of the legislature, we know that there are many issues that can arise and set our focus away from our responsibilities We ask that You will keep our hearts and minds on following Your will and purpose that all of the citizens of our State will benefit

[PDF] 5th Session, 50th Legislature, Nouveau-Brunswick, 36

5th Session, 50th Legislature, New Brunswick, 36 Elizabeth II, 1987 AN ACT TO AMEND THE MOTOR VEHICLE ACT HON I~08ERT McCREADY 5' session 50' Legislature, Nouveau-Brunswick, 36 Elizabeth II, 1987 LOI MODIFIANT LA LOI SUR LES VEHICULES • A • MOTEUR L'HON ROBERT McCREADY (a) give the convicted person written notice of the revocation and suspension or of the suspen­ sion,

[PDF] 5th Session, 50th Legislature, 5' session 50' Legislature

5th Session, 50th Legislature, New Brunswick, 36 Elizabeth 11,1987 AN ACT RESPECTING THE CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT OF NEW BRUNSWICK Read first time Read second time Committee Read third time MR PERCY MOCKLER 5' session 50' Legislature, Nouveau-Brunswick, 36 Elizabeth II, 1987 LOI CONCERNANT L'INSTITUT A • CHARTE DE LA

[PDF] wwwunbca

5th Session, 50th Legislature, New Brunswick, 36 Elizabeth 11, 1987 BILL AN ACT TO AMEND THE FISH AND WILDLIFE ACT Read first time Read second time Committee Read third time MR ALAN GRAHAM 5e session 50e Législature, Nouveau-Brunswick, 36 Elizabeth 11, 1987 PROJET DE LOI LOI MODIFIANT LA LOI SUR LA PÊCHE SPORTIVE ET LA CHASSE Première lecture

[PDF] The preamble of the Human Rights A ct, Chap - University of New

36 Elizabeth II, 1987 \ - AN ACT TO AMEND THE HUMAN RIGHTS ACT MR ROBERT A HALL 61 5' session 50' Legislature, Nouveau-Brunswick,

[PDF] 5th Session, 50th Legislature, New Brunswick, 36 Elizabeth II, 1987

36 Elizabeth II, 1987 AN ACT TO AMEND THE AUDITOR GENERAL ACT MR MAHER MAY 1 5 ~U"7 , 24 5' session 50' Legislature, Nouveau-Brunswick,

[PDF] 2d Session - GovInfo

New Brunswick --- ---- ------------ Reimbursement of city of New York for rehabilitation of slip Senate report 448, 87th Congress, 1st session, entitled Relief of Marlys E Tedin and Elizabeth O Reynolds Correcting descriptions in Public law 87-231, donating public 5 of War claims act of 1948 to provide benefits to

[PDF] JOURNALS - Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick

session of the fifty-sixth Legislative Assembly of this Province Five New Brunswickers were appointed as officers of the Order of 50 November 26 57- 58 Elizabeth II, 2008-2009 environment and wellness, the current Wellness 87 Journal of Assembly BE IT RESOLVED that this Legislature recognize 2009 as the

[PDF] T h e C itizens Gu id e - Legislative Assembly of Alberta

Prorogues, or discontinues, a session of the Legislature • Dissolves the united Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick in Confederation The a Senate Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II visits th e A lb e rta L e gislatu re , 2 0 05 a new Mace to the Legislative Assembly in honour of Alberta's 50th anniversary

[PDF] Guide bibliographique de lAcadie 1976-1987 - Université de Moncton

ACADIE - Guide bibliographique 1976-1987 - Table des matières SWANICK, Eric L New Brunswick history: a checklist of secondary sources: first 1972: 1(5- 6), 49-50 0395 Canadian Catholic Historical Association: Study Sessions Fredericton: Bibliothèque de l'Assemblée législative du Nouveau-Brunswick, 1984

[PDF] Voluntary Associations, Corporate Rights, and the State - National

The state legislature, however, continued routinely to grant the privilege in special session laws of Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Stewardship in the United States, 1800-1865 (New Brunswick: Rutgers 87; Miller, Legal Foundations of American Philanthropy, pp xii, 50; and [Edward S
c .rev

[PDF] Address in reply to Speech from the Throne - Queens University

5th, motion and Message relating to amendments to Bill C-10B, 1653-54 Meeting of Rules, Procedures and the Rights of Parliament Committee held even New Brunswick, infractions of Irving companies, qu, 2314 6th, Senate Estimates for 2003-2004, 686-87, 688 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's Golden Jubilee

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