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Correlation between Obesity and Lumbar Lordosis in Obese Pre

Age number of pregnancies and birth to lumbar lordosis were adjusted when analyzed effects of body weight to BMI

The Effects of Pelvic Movement on Lumbar Lordosis in the Standing

Pelvic tilt and lumbar lordosis were measured during three conditions: with subjects in a normal standing posture with subjects assuming a maximal anterior 

Global tilt and lumbar lordosis index: two parameters correlating with

Global tilt and lumbar lordosis index: two parameters correlating with health-related quality of life scores— but how do they truly impact disability?

The Lumbar Lordosis in Males and Females Revisited

24 août 2015 Six parameters were calculated: segment length curve length

Biomechanical analysis of segmental lumbar lordosis and risk of

31 mai 2021 segmental lumbar lordosis and risk of cage subsidence with different cage heights and alternative placements in transforaminal lumbar ...

Reliability of Measuring Thoracic Kyphosis Angle Lumbar Lordosis

19 mai 2012 thoracic kyphosis lumbar lordosis and straight leg raise (SLR). However

How consistent are lordosis range of movement and lumbo-pelvic

lordosis and 5°–15° for most ROM. For lumbo-pelvic rhythm

Mismatch between rod bending and actual post-operative lordosis in

20 juil. 2022 post-operative lordosis in lumbar arthrodesis with poly axial screws. Abdollah Yassine Moufid Thibault Cloche

Radiographic Results of Single Level Transforaminal Lumbar

particularly the changes in segmental lordosis in the fusion segment lordosis

Etiology of lumbar lordosis and its pathophysiology: a review of the

lordosis and increased thoracic kyphosis are hallmarks of an aging human spinal column. The unique upright posture and lordotic lumbar curvature of the 

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