Téléchager australopithèque habitat

Some Ruminations on Australopith Diets

hypotheses about the diets, and even habitat preferences, of earlier hominins In the past, it would have seemed reason- able to argue that the australopith 

[PDF] Landscapes and their relation to hominin habitats: Case studies

21 jan 2011 · Ma (White et al , 2006), while the youngest Australopithecus dates to approximately 2 1 Ma from the upper Sterkfontein Member 4 of South African 

Diet of Australopithecus afarensis from the Pliocene Hadar - PNAS

31 mai 2013 · that we shared with African great apes, which mostly occupy closed wooded habitats C4/CAM food consumption is part of a general argument 

[PDF] "Lucy" redux: A review of research on Australopithecus afarensis - edX

Australopithecus afarensis; Hadar; Laetoli; Pliocene hominin evolution ABSTRACT Laetolil Beds thusly: '' a mosaic habitat comprising open woodland 

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