Certificate Supplement

Certificate Supplement PDF,Doc ,Images

[PDF] Certificate supplement - europaeu

The Certificate supplement provides additional information about the certificate and does not have any legal status in itself Its format is based on the Decision 


The Certificate Supplement illustrates the National Framework of Qualifications and the European Framework of Qualifications, and describes the national context 


CERTIFICATE SUPPLEMENT (*) Deutschland 1 TITLE OF THE CERTIFICATE ( DE) (1) Abschlussprüfung im staatlich anerkannten Ausbildungsberuf

[PDF] Europass certificate supplement (*)

Europass certificate supplement (*) 1 Title of the certificate (A) Diploma di Istruzione Tecnica Indirizzo TRASPORTI E LOGISTICA Articolazione “ LOGISTICA”

[PDF] Europass certificate supplement (*) - Miur

Europass certificate supplement (*) 1 Title of the certificate (A) Diploma di Istruzione Tecnica Indirizzo MECCANICA, MECCATRONICA ED ENERGIA


TRANSLATED TITLE OF THE CERTIFICATE (EN)P (2) P Certificate of Apprenticeship "ceramics-painter" (f/m) (2) This translation has no legal status 3


CERTIFICATE SUPPLEMENT (*) Sweden 1 TRANSLATED TITLE OF THE CERTIFICATE The holder's vocation/area of expertise is stated in the certificate

[PDF] Certificate Supplement

Certificate Supplement 1 Certificate of Vocational Education and Training 3 Training for the Facade Building Assistant, VET Certificate lasts 2 years

[PDF] Certificate supplement - SBFI

1 Legally protected titles of the qualification (in the original languages german, french, italian) Certificate supplement 1 2 Translated title of the qualification 3

[PDF] Research on the Use of the Europass Diploma Supplement and

gather information on the use of the EUROPASS Certificate and Diploma Supplement by education providers in Malta Diploma and Certificate Supplements are 

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