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When is the best age to breed a dog

Generally speaking, however, it is never wise to breed a bitch for the first time under 1 year of age and over 7. For most dogs, however, 2 years of age is the safe minimum.

Is it OK for a 1 year old dog to get pregnant?

Even though most dogs can get pregnant between six and twelve months, this doesn't mean that it's best for the dog. The dog must be matured before getting pregnant and breeding, as it can lead to some behavioral or physical problems. Your dog should have a chance to grow up.

What age is a female dog ready to breed?

Puberty or sexual maturity in the female dog usually occurs around nine or ten months of age. Smaller breeds tend to go into estrus or 'heat' earlier, even as early as four months of age in some females, while in large and giant breeds, it can take up to two years.