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When responding to a request for adjustment when a third party is at fault

How can you respond to a customer's request for an adjustment when a third party is at fault?

C Responding when a third party is at fault\n\n Avoid placing blame; focus on the solution. Regardless of who is responsible for resolving the situation, let the customer know what will happen to resolve the problem.

What should one do while requesting claim or requesting adjustment?

Answer and Explanation: When requesting an adjustment, close your writing by summarizing the ideal course of action you expect. Politely explain to the reader the benefits of complying with your request. Lastly, ask the reader to propose his view of the matter if he has any.

When using the direct approach for a claim or adjustment what should you include in the body of your message?

Using the direct approach, open with your main idea, which is a clear statement of your request. Use the body to give details and justify your request. Then close by request- ing specific action. summary or a hundred pages of raw data.