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When should I charge my EV

Think of an EV battery like a cell phone; if you're around 20%, you should probably just plug in, regardless of when you'll need to drive next. At the same time, there's no need to charge to 100% consistently, unless you need to rely on the entire driving range of your vehicle.

When should I charge my electric car?

Whichever model you choose, you won't have to worry about charging your car during the day, or even every night. Most EV manufacturers recommend that you stick to between 20-80% battery charge, so based on your driving habits, you'll want to plug in every three days or so.

Should I charge my EV to 80% or 90 %?

There are two reasons: charging performance and battery longevity. Most of the time you should only charge an EV to 80% because charging rates slow down dramatically past the 80% mark. And two, the long-term health of your vehicle's battery pack is improved when kept below 100%.

At what percentage should I charge my EV?

The 80/20 Rule for Battery Electric Vehicles\n\n Like smartphone batteries, an EV's battery will last longer if you prevent it from charging 100 percent or running it down to zero. To extend your EV battery's life, remember the 80/20 rule, which means not charging past 80 percent and not letting it drop below 20 percent.

Should I charge my EV to 100% every night?

Generally, you shouldn't charge your EV to 100% battery every single night because charging cycles can degrade your battery. Most EVs on the market have a range of a few hundred miles on a single full charge. Unless you are driving long distances every day, that charge should last you a few days.