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When to see an endocrinologist for weight gain

If you find yourself gaining weight with no apparent explanation or changes in diet or exercise, you should discuss this with your doctor. An endocrinologist can help identify hormonal imbalances by reviewing your symptoms and performing laboratory tests when necessary.

What endocrine issue causes weight gain?

Some of the hormonal problems that can cause weight gain includes underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), Cushing's Syndrome (excess cortisol production), polycystic ovary syndrome, Type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance, genetic syndromes such as Prader-Willi syndrome and medications such as glucocorticoids.

How do I know if my weight gain is hormonal?

Hormonal weight gain affects different areas in men and women. Men tend to gain excess weight in the abdominal area. However, premenopausal women add pounds around the hips and thighs. After menopause, women usually gain weight in the abdomen and develop a "menopausal belly."

What hormones should be tested for weight gain?

If people are experiencing rapid and unintentional weight gain with no clear cause, they should see their doctor. The doctor will ask about the individual's medical history and any additional symptoms. They may carry out a physical examination and blood tests or refer the person to a specialist.