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Where to find my company sic code

To find the right SIC code for your business activities, you will need to search the condensed list of standard industrial classifications provided by Companies House. There is a SIC search facility on the Companies House website, which allows you to enter a search term related to your business activity.

How do I find the SIC code for a company?

To find an SIC code, visit the SIC site of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Department at the United States Department of Labor.

How do I find my SIC code UK?

SIC code stands for standard industrial classification (SIC) code This four digit-number identifies a very specific short descriptor of the type of business a company is engaged in.

What is your SIC code?

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing natural cheese (except cottage cheese), processed cheese, cheese foods, cheese spreads, and cheese analogs (imitations and substitutes).