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Which among the claims is claim of value brainly

Answer: A claim of value argues that something is good or bad, or that one thing is better than another thing. Sample claims of value: It's ...

Which among the claims is the claim of value?

A claim of value argues that something is good or bad, or that one thing is better than another thing. Sample claims of value: It's better to apply good nutritional choices at home than teach them at school, because good nutrition then becomes ingrained in the child's experience.

Which of the following is an example of a claim of value?

For example, "The Earth is round" is a fact claim. "In our right- handed world, left-handed people are discriminated against" is a fact claim. A persuasive speaker must provide arguments which build a case in favor of the claim, showing that the claim is probably true.

Which of the following is an example of claim of fact *?

A premise is a statement in an argument that provides reason or support for the conclusion.