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Which is an example of a life-cycle variation

The names of each stage can also vary slightly depending on the species. For example, an immature juvenile dragonfly is called a nymph. The time an organism spends at each stage can differ. For example, one species of cicada can spend 17 years as an immature nymph.

What are examples of life cycles?

Other living things have much longer life cycles, like some types of pine trees that can live for over 5,000 years! All life cycles have a few things in common: they start with seeds, eggs, or live birth, then involve multiple steps including reproduction, and then they end in death.

What are 4 things all life cycles have?

The product life cycle is the progression of a product through 5 distinct stagesā€”development, introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. The concept was developed by German economist Theodore Levitt, who published his Product Life Cycle model in the Harvard Business Review in 1965. We still use this model today.

What are the 5 stages of life cycle?

Life Cycles: A life cycle is the sequence of biological changes that occurs as an organism develops from an egg into an adult until its death. The life cycles of many species are synchronized with the life cycles of other species and the seasons.