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Which is better facebook live or instagram live

While Facebook Live has a longer duration, Instagram Live only lets you broadcast for one hour. After you select Start Live Video, your followers will get a notification letting them know you're broadcasting.

Is Instagram live and Facebook Live the same thing?

Both platforms offer live broadcasting but provide different abilities and audiences based on the unique value of each app. Instagram Live is separate from Facebook Live.

Which social media is best for live?

Instagram is often seen as a resource for learning about new brands, places, and trends. People use it to get new ideas and be visually inspired. Facebook, on the other hand, prioritizes personal connections and interacting with content shared by friends and family.

Which is better Instagram or Facebook?

Expand your online reach\n\n As you go live, your viewers are allowed to instantly like, comment, and share your content. This, of course, increases the engagement on your account. This is a big tick from Instagram, giving them another reason to prioritize your feed posts and other types of content in the Discover feed.