What are the 5 principles of money management?
For the most part, that means finding ways to pay less for everything from groceries to clothing, utilities and everyday bills. Being thrifty or frugal also means simply going without some things, mostly because it helps you reduce financial waste while freeing up more cash to save.
What is frugality in personal finance?
Always have a budget. People who follow a budget are less likely to overspend. If you often wonder where your money went, you find you don't have enough money to pay your bills, or your credit card balance is through the roof, you need a budget. A budget is the key to your financial plan.
What is your principle in managing money?
Being frugal is sometimes choosing value over price, or it's sometimes not spending money at all. When you figure out what you value, and subsequently stop spending money on the things you don't, you have that extra money to spend on your values. It's not cheap or penny-pinching.
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