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Which one is not the principle of insurance

Answer. Explanation: Maximization of Profit is not the principle of insurance. There are seven basic principles that create an insurance contract between the insured and the insurer: Utmost Good Faith, Insurable Interest, Proximate Cause, Indemnity, Subrogation, Contribution and Loss Minimization.

What are the 7 principles of insurance?

In insurance, there are 7 basic principles that should be upheld, ie Insurable interest, Utmost good faith, proximate cause, indemnity, subrogation, contribution and loss of minimization.

Which one is the principle of insurance?

In the case of life insurance policies, the principle of indemnity does not apply. The indemnity principle means that the policy payout should restore the insured to the same financial position in which he was before the loss happened.

What are the principles of insurance?

Principles of Insurance are as follows: It states that both the parties to contract must enter into a contract in good faith. They both should reveal all material information and facts regarding contract to each other accurately and honestly.

What is meant by the principle of insurable interest?

This principle states that insurance policy holder must have insurable interest in the subject matter of insurance. He must have some vested interest in it and must be affected by existence and non-existence of object of insurance. It is not necessarily required by insured to be the owner of insurance object.

What is the principle of utmost good faith in insurance?

This Principle of Utmost Good Faith states that both the parties of an insurance contract should have good faith towards each other. Also, each party should communicate the terms and conditions in a non-ambiguous manner to the other.

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