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What is category C1 on a driving licence

Mobile cranes. A category C1 driving licence is required to drive a mobile crane weighing between 3.5 and 7.5 tonnes and category C if over 7.5 tonnes.

Is C1 the same as HGV?

Category C1 is the very first basic level of HGV license. Most HGV drivers on the road will have a C1 license. A C1 allows you to drive a vehicle of 3,500 kilograms, as long as that vehicle is under 7.5 tonnes in gross weight.

What can I drive with a C1 licence UK?

Category C1\n\n You can drive vehicles between 3,500 and 7,500kg MAM (with a trailer up to 750kg).

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  6. what's a category c1 driving licence
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