What does control treatment mean?
A good design for evaluating the effect of a single treatment will, therefore, always include a second treatment, called a control or control treatment, for comparison purposes. In some experiments, the control is the treatment in current use, and in other experiments it is the 'absence of a stimulus.
What is a control treatment examples?
What a researcher applies to experimental units is called a treatment. For example a medical doctor can prescribe three different types of drugs to three different groups of patients respectively to see the effectiveness of each drug.
What is experimental treatment example?
Listen to pronunciation. (kun-TROLD KLIH-nih-kul TRY-ul) A clinical study that includes a comparison (control) group. The comparison group receives a placebo, another treatment, or no treatment at all.
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- what is the purpose of a control treatment
- is control a treatment
- control treatment vs control variable
- what are interventions in a treatment plan