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What is economics in one sentence

Economics is the study of scarcity and its implications for the use of resources, production of goods and services, growth of production and welfare over time, and a great variety of other complex issues of vital concern to society.

What is economic in a sentence?

Use economic in a sentence\n\n The economic growth is very slow. She majored in economics. The country is in a bad economic state.

What is economy in simple words?

Britannica Dictionary definition of ECONOMY. 1. [count] : the process or system by which goods and services are produced, sold, and bought in a country or region.

What is economy answer in one sentence?

An economy is a mechanism through which the scarce resources are prioritised and organised for the production of goods and services.

What is the best definition of economic?

Economics is the study of scarcity and how it affects the use of resources, the production of goods and services, the growth of production and well-being over time, and many other important and complicated issues that affect society.

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What is economics in one word

What is Economics PDF

What is economy