What do you call a person with no patience?
im·pa·tient (ˌ)im-ˈpā-shənt. : not patient : restless or short of temper especially under irritation, delay, or opposition. : intolerant sense 1. impatient of delay.
What do you call someone who can't wait?
enthusiastically await. enthusiastically anticipate. anticipate with pleasure. be eager to. be consumed with desire for.
Is impatient positive or negative?
Impatience is a form of haste whereby you are unable to sit tight and wait your turn; instead favoring a more active approach. While impatience is often seen as a negative character trait, people who are considered driven, gritty, or otherwise motivated to achieve their goals often share an impatient streak.
[PDF] The Impatience Theory of Interest - JSTOR
The Impatience Theory of Interest - JSTOR www jstor org/stable/ pdf /1828193 pdf and refuses to admit that what Bohm-Bawerk calls the "tech- nical superiority of present over future In other words a person whose impatience rate
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[PDF] The Impatient Patient CognisantMD
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[PDF] The Impatient Patient: - Canadian Association of Physician Assistants
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[PDF] impatience and self-control in high-level chess games - DiVA Portal
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- what do you call someone who is impatient
- what is the definition of impatient
- what is a impatient person
- what makes a person impatient