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Replicability study

La reproductibilité d'une expérience scientifique est une des conditions qui permettent d'inclure les observations réalisées durant cette expérience dans le processus d'amélioration perpétuelle des connaissances scientifiques. Wikipédia

What is a replicative study?

A replication study attempts to validate the findings of a prior piece of research. By doing so, that prior research is confirmed as being both accurate and broadly applicable, since the replication study typically changes one or more variables of the original study, such as sample population, industry sector, etc.

How do you find the replicability of a study?

Two studies may be considered to have replicated if they obtain consistent results given the level of uncertainty inherent in the system under study. In studies that measure a physical entity (i.e., a measurand), the results may be the sets of measurements of the same measurand obtained by different laboratories.

What is replicability in qualitative research?

One of the most important features of a scientific research paper is that the research must be replicable, which means that the paper gives readers enough detailed information that the research can be repeated (or 'replicated').

[PDF] Improving Reproducibility and Replicability in Research

Improving Reproducibility and Replicability in Research nap nationalacademies org/resource/25303/Combined 20Reproducibility 20Brief 20vs2 pdf Replicability means obtaining consistent results across studies aimed at answering the same scientific question each of which has obtained its own data In

[PDF] Reproducibility and Replicability - The National Academies Press

Reproducibility and Replicability - The National Academies Press nap nationalacademies org/resource/25303/Ten 20Things 20to 20Know 20about 20Reproducibility 20and 20Replicability pdf Being able to reproduce the computational results of another researcher starting with the same data and replicating a previous study to test its results


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