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Cancer stage 2 survival rate

Is Stage 2 cancer Curable?

Conclusion. Stage 2 cancer is a bit more serious than stage 1 cancer, with early treatment patients can be completely cured of the disease. The recurrence rate is also low if treated immediately. However, cancer is a highly progressive disease that spreads at an increased rate.

What does 2nd stage cancer mean?

Number staging system stage 1 – the cancer is small and hasn't spread anywhere else. stage 2 – the cancer has grown, but hasn't spread. stage 3 – the cancer is larger and may have spread to the surrounding tissues and/or the lymph nodes (or "glands", part of the immune system)

Is Stage 2 cancer still early?

Stage 2 breast cancer means that the cancer is either in the breast or in the nearby lymph nodes or both. It is an early stage breast cancer.

Cancer stage 2 symptoms

Cancer stage 2 treatment

Cancer stage 2a