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Car insurance cancelled without telling me

An insurer could cancel a policy if, for example, the policyholder hadn't paid their premiums or hadn't disclosed important information to the insurance company ...

Can car insurance be Cancelled without notice UK?

From the insurer's side, there are clearly defined circumstances in which a policy can be cancelled. However, the insurer should inform the policyholder at least seven days before the policy is cancelled to give them enough time to arrange new cover.

Can an insurance company cancel my policy for any reason it chooses?

In general, insurance companies can cancel your policy for any reason during the first 60 days the policy is active. However, they don't typically cancel policies for no reason. It's usually because the risk you present to the insurer has changed since you applied.

How long do you have to declare that you have had insurance Cancelled?

So if an insurer does ask you if you've ever had a policy cancelled, you must tell them about it – no matter how long ago it occurred. But not all insurers will ask to see your full insurance history. Some insurers will ask for details for the past five years, for example.

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