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Car insurance rates by postal code

Car Insurance Rates by ZIP Code Enter ZIP for average rate. Then enter Age, Gender and Coverage Level for customized rate. ZIP: AGE: Male Female Male COVERAGE TYPES State Minimum Liability Liability Only - $50K/$100K/$50K Full Coverage - $100K/$300K/$100K 0 Compare car insurance rates by ZIP code to see average prices

How much does car insurance cost in your zip code?

Because your location - down to your ZIP code - helps determine how much your insurance will cost, thanks to factors like crime rates and state minimum coverage requirements. We don't sell your information to third parties. While the average cost of car insurance in the U.S. is $1,652, that changes a lot depending on the exact ZIP code.

What is the cheapest postcode for car insurance?

Insurers have their own way of grouping postcodes - there's no one system that everyone uses. That means the cheapest postcode for car insurance varies depending on who your insurance is with. Some postcode groupings go from A to F. "A" postcodes are the lowest risk. "F" postcodes are the highest risk.

Does your postal code affect car insurance premiums?

Those living in the same area may pay more or less the same premiums. In fact, for most insurance companies, your postal codes do matter in determining your premium. Several other factors also play a vital role in the cost of your insurance. Such as driving records, car models, history of accidents and collisions, and driver profiles.

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