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Canadian government cataloguing system

What is Canadian government cataloguing system (CGCS)?

In recognition of its own national needs, Canada tailored the NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Codification System to Canadian requirements and named the ensuing system the Canadian Government Cataloguing System (CGCS). The CGCS adheres to the international agreements that govern the implementation and use of the NATO Codification System.

What is cataloguing in Publication (CIP)?

Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) is a voluntary program offered free of charge to Canadian publishers by Library and Archives Canada (LAC). Its purpose is to produce standardized bibliographic descriptions for forthcoming Canadian publications. Once the cataloguing is complete, publishers receive this information in the form

What information is added during cataloguing?

In addition to the basic information collected during the taking of an inventory, the type of information added during the cataloguing process covers contextual information and our scientific understanding of the object, as well as its history, both before and after it has received heritage status.

Canadian government departments

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