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Canada border services agency phone call

Why does Canada border agency keep calling me?

If you receive a telephone call or an email asking for this information, or requesting money, it is a scam. In some cases, these scams use false CBSA identifiers such as: telephone display numbers and CBSA employee names. CBSA logos on websites or in emails.

How do I contact Canada Border Services Agency?

Questions and comments about travel outside Canada For technical help, please email us: For help with the travel.gc.ca website, contact: webmaster.consular@international.gc.ca. For help with the Registration of Canadians Abroad service, contact: voyage.notification@international.gc.ca.

Can I call the border to ask questions?

Contact us online We are currently receiving higher than normal volumes of inquiries online. If your inquiry is time-sensitive, please contact us by phone at 1-800-461-9999 (toll-free in Canada and the USA ).

What does Canada Border Services Agency do?

The Canada Border Services Agency ( CBSA ) facilitates the flow of legitimate travellers and trade. The agency also enforces more than 100 acts and regulations that keep our country and Canadians safe.

Canada border services agency phone number

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