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Cancellation insurance holiday

What is cancelcancellation travel insurance?

Cancellation travel insurance covers the cost of your holiday if you have to cancel as a result of unforeseen circumstances. The cost of your holiday generally includes: Pre-booked transport, such as plane or train tickets Pre-booked accommodation, including hotels, campsites and hostels

What happens if you have to cancel a holiday and get back?

For example, if you unexpectedly had to cancel and could not get back the cost of your flights or accommodation. Note that cancellation insurance for holidays only covers payments that you’ve lost and can’t recover – you should always try to get a refund from your holiday provider first.

What is holiday insurance cancellation cover?

Holiday insurance cancellation cover is usually included as standard with travel policies, and can provide a considerable benefit to those who may be unable to travel once they have booked their holiday Looking for travel insurance?

Cancellation insurance letter

Cancellation insurance trip

Cancellation letter