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Cancellation insurance letter

How to write a letter of cancellation of insurance policy?

Consider the following when drafting your letter. Before you draft your letter of cancellation, call your insurer to verify the address you should mail it to. Only the policyholder -the person who actually owns the policy- can cancel it. Use proper business letter format for the document.

What is an example of a cancellation letter?

Here’s an example of a cancellation letter for a life insurance policy: Greetings, [Mention the name of insurer] I’m writing to cancel my insurance coverage, which will take effect [Mention the date]. [Mention the policy number] is the policy number for me. Any unused premiums should be returned to [Mention the address].

How do I cancel my life insurance policy?

Notify your insurer in writing that you want to cancel your coverage. Although some plans specify that submitting a temporary hold for the premiums qualifies as written notification, you can alternatively write a simple letter. Here’s an example of a cancellation letter for a life insurance policy: Greetings, [Mention the name of insurer]

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