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Cancellation policy example for spas

In the event that you need to cancel or change any service appointments, we respectfully request at least 24 hours' notice. If you forget or cancel your appointment without 24-hour notice, please understand that this will result in a charge.

What should be included in a cancellation policy?

Have a link to your policy on the bottom of your email signature. Occasionally communicate via socials and email about your policy. Explain why the policy is in place. Ask new clients verbally to make sure they are aware of the policy and reiterate it to them.

How do you tell a client about a cancellation policy?

Use Plain Language. When it comes to wording your no refund policy, keep it as simple and straightforward as possible. Avoid legalese and forceful language such as you must or you need to. Make the refund process easy to understand for your customers.

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