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What are the four functions of stock exchange?

  • Continuous and ready market for securities. Stock exchange provides a ready and continuous market for purchase and sale of securities. ...
  • Facilitates evaluation of securities. Stock exchange is useful for the evaluation of industrial securities. ...
  • Encourages capital formation. ...
  • Provides safety and security in dealings.

What is the function of the stock market?

  • Specifically, the stock market enabled the separation of managerial control over the allocation of corporate resources from the ownership of the company’s shares. Yet, assuming that the key function of the stock market

What are the objectives of the Stock Exchange?

  • every stock exchange defines the object of the exchange as follows: "Its object shall be to furnish exchanges, rooms and other facilities for the convenient transaction of business by its members, as brokers; to maintain high standards of commercial honor and integ- rity among its members, and to promote and inculcate just and

What are stock exchanges?

  • The Stock Exchanges of the World The enormous mass of corporate stocks and bonds, the wide distribution of their ownership among hundreds of thousands of persons of all classes, together with the increasing tendency to use such securities as collateral for loans, has necessitated the creation

What is the role of the Stock Exchange in corporate governance?

  • It serves the dual purpose of, first, providing an initial stocktaking of some of the commonly agreed main aspects of stock exchanges’ influence on corporate governance; and, secondly, suggesting a number of issues arising from recent changes in the role of the exchanges.
The Nigerian Stock Exchange NSE, was established with a particular purpose in the mind of the Nigerian government, and the purpose however, was to control the flow of money in the country, as well as, regulate on how money should flow in the country with a view to ensure that, favourable condition is provided for such ...