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Is Philippine Stock Exchange regulated?

Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) is located in Philippines and is regulated by the The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

How has the Philippine Stock Market changed over the years?

  • The Philippine stock market has undergone a number of reforms and development since the 1990s. These include the unification of two stock exchanges, the demutualization of the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE), and the enactment of the Securities Regulation Code.

What is the role of the Philippine Stock Exchange?

  • It is a private non-profit and non-stock organization created to provide and maintain a fair, efficient, transparent and orderly market for the purchase and sale of securities such as stocks, warrants, bonds, options and others (Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc.).

How many shares did the Philippine Stock Exchange issue in 2018?

  • In connection with the stock rights offering of 11. 5 million common shares of The Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. (the "Company") that were listed on 22 March 2018, we hereby submit the following documents on the application of proceeds for the quarter ended 30 June 2020: 1.

What is the best book for knowing the Philippine Stock Exchange?

  • 1999. “Knowing the Philippine Stock Exchange: A Guide for Investors”. Investors Primer II: The Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. Published by: PSE Training Institute and Research and Public Information Department.
Regulatory model\n\n Regulates listed companies through its Listing and Disclosure Rules, and trading participants (securities brokers) through its Rules Governing Trading Rights and Trading Participants and through its surveillance and audit arm Capital Markets Integrity Corporation (CMIC) and CMIC Rules.