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Programming in C: Basics

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  • What is C programming basics?

    PrintfThe output is printed to the console screen using this C command.Getch()This function is being used to wait for the user's input.return 0This C function returns 0 after terminating the C programme or main function.}The function or method block is closed with these curly braces.

  • How do I start programming in C?

    To start using C, you need two things:

    1A text editor, like Notepad, to write C code.
    2) A compiler, like GCC, to translate the C code into a language that the computer will understand.

  • What are the basic rules of C programming?

    C Programming Language Coding Guidelines

    C-DI-01: Variable shall be used after its initialization.C-DI-02: Function shall be called after its declaration.C-DI-03: The initialization statement shall not be skipped.C-DI-04: The initialization of a struct shall be enclosed with brackets.

  • This is the program code that you will paste into the tool:

    1//Hello World Program2#include <stdio. h>3int main() {4printf("Hello World");5return 0;6}

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Programming in C: Basics