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Mobile Device Strategy

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  • How can an organization develop a mobile device management strategy?

    Here is how an organization can develop and adopt an unbeatable Mobile Device Management strategy to create the right balance between business advantages and employee satisfaction while driving overall enterprise performance. 1. Identify organizational goals and requirements

  • Which mobile device strategy & infrastructure best suits your business?

    Today, CIOs and enterprise leaders are faced with deciding which mobile device strategy and infrastructure best suit their business: Bring your own device (BYOD) is a popular approach.

  • What makes a resilient mobile device strategy?

    As enterprises develop a mobile device strategy, it is important to balance the utilitarian nature of the mobile device against the security implications. A resilient mobile device strategy incorporates multiple success factors: user needs, infrastructure, workflows, security, data, quality measures and more.

  • What is mobile device management (MDM)?

    With such explosive growth in the pipeline, managing enterprise mobility has become even more critical and this is where a Mobile Device Management (MDM) strategy could prove very useful. MDM provides IT with a complete set of inventory, control, and reporting tools that make it easy to manage mobile devices wherever they are.

Security Policy and Mobile Devices Work in Tandem

Though the healthcare market for networked mobile devices has significantly evolved, it remains in the early stages of readiness. Many U.S. health systems still struggle to implement a mature level of mobility. As mobile device strategies gain ground, enterprises will find patient data spread across more distributed devices, increasing the challeng

Mobile Device Management Hinges on Meaningful Criteria

According to a June 2017 report by Gartner, mobile device management (MDM) should be “a key requirement for enterprise-owned devices,” but user pushback is growing “around privacy and legal concerns, which are often based on a user’s misunderstandings of MDM’s capabilities.” MDM — the administration of mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablet co

Proper Device Selection Prevents Performance Issues

Device performance is second in importance to security in devising your medical device strategy. Mistakes often are attributed to device selection when devices fail to perform well within the clinical environment. Before investing substantial resources, work with vendors to pilot a device prior to making a commitment. Consider these 14 steps in pla

Ongoing Education Sustains Mobile Strategy Success

Security and performance are tied directly to training on system capabilities and security measures. Accordingly, educate clinicians on potential risks and benefits for patients. Here are actionable tips to initiate an effective training and education program: 1. Cite documented evidence of how mobile devices improve clinical care. 2. Develop flexi

Clinical and Expert Feedback Supports A Holistic Approach

While IT maintains a primary role creating an enterprise mobility strategy, clinician participation by doctors, nurses and other care team members is increasing steadily. Their collective input helps uphold a holistic strategy aligned with clinical concerns and workflows. Recruiting experienced privacy, security and compliance experts is advised as

National Security Agency Mobile Device Best Practices
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Mobile Device Strategy