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  • Who is a social service assistant?

    Their clients might include homeless people, immigrants, former prison inmates, veterans, struggling families or children, and the elderly. Also referred to as social work assistants or social service aides, social service assistants do not need a postsecondary degree.

  • Do social service assistants need a postsecondary degree?

    Also referred to as social work assistants or social service aides, social service assistants do not need a postsecondary degree. They generally take on lower-level positions, working for social workers instead of carrying out many tasks themselves.

  • Why is the social and human service assistant role growing?

    The social and human service assistant role is projected to grow more than twice as quickly, with an increase of 13% in that same time period. An aging U.S. population certainly contributes to this growth, with more social services needed to help the elderly.

  • How long does it take to become a social and human service assistant?

    However, employers often look for job candidates with some previous work experience, a human services certificate, or associate degree. That said, it can take up to two years to become a social services assistant. What does a social and human service assistant do? Where do social and human service assistants work?

Top Paying Industries For Social and Human Service Assistants

One factor influencing pay involves the industry in which social work assistants find employment. The best-paying area to work for social and human service assistants is within the government. According to the BLS, assistants who work for state government agencies earn amedian annual wageof $38,760. Individuals who work for the federal government e

Top Paying States For Social and Human Service Assistants

Location also affects social work assistant salary potential. Washington, D.C., North Dakota, California, Alaska, and Connecticut pay social work assistants the highest mean salaries in the U.S., according to the BLS. In California and North Dakota, social service aides earn a mean wage of over $44,000. In Washington, D.C., these professionals brin

Salary and Job Growth For Social and Human Service Assistants

The BLS projects that job growth for all occupations in the U.S. may grow by 5% from 2018-2028. The social and human service assistant role is projected to grow more than twice as quickly, with an increase of 13%in that same time period. An aging U.S. population certainly contributes to this growth, with more social services needed to help the elde

How to Become A Social and Human Service Assistant

Individuals need a high school diploma to become a social work assistant. While training usually occurs on the job, employers often prefer candidates with a certificate or associate degree. Students can find these programs at vocational schools or community colleges, and sometimes even at four-year colleges or online. Learners study topics like fou

Assistant de service social
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