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Nationalism and Architecture in the Catalan Modernisme

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  • What makes Catalan modernism unique in architecture?

    The unique character of Catalan Modernism in architecture is due to geniuses such as Lluís Domènech i Montaner , Josep Puig i Cadafalch and the architect considered as the maximum representative of Modernism: Antoni Gaudí.

  • What is modernism in Barcelona?

    The first thing to take note of is that Modernisme stretches across several different art forms. The most obvious being the architecture that can be found in Barcelona, in the buildings of the famous modernistas, Antoni Gaudi , Lluís Domènech i Montaner and Josep Puig i Cadafalch.

  • What style of art did the Catalans have?

    Florentines had the Renaissance, New Yorkers had Abstract Expressionism, Parisians had Rococo and Catalans had Modernism. At first glance, Modernism – or Modernisme as the Catalans put it – is an artistic style that gained popularity in the Catalan region of Spain in the 19th century.

  • What is modernism in architecture?

    Far from being confined to the field of architecture, Modernisme was a movement that took place across the spectrum of painting, illustration, sculpture, craftsmanship, music, poetry and prose and engaged all the chief intellectuals of the day as they sought to celebrate and modernise Catalan culture.

Antonio GAUDI La casa Batllo light
La Sagrada Família (Gaudí)
La maison Batlló – Antoni Gaudí
La Catalogne moderniste de Gaudí à Dalí
Modernité en architecture dans l'Espagne républicaine
L'architecture espagnole du XIXe síécle
En Espagne vers le milieu des années 50 l'architecture historiciste
Notre itinéraire à la découverte de l'architecture moderniste
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Nationalism and Architecture in the Catalan Modernisme