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  • Is Maple a simple fruit?

    maple fruit is a. samara. maple simple or compound. simple. maple fleshy or dry. dry. maple indehiscent or dehiscent. indehiscent. maple is dispersed by. wind. avocado is simple or compound. simple. avocado has only. one seed. avocado is a. berry.

  • Is Maple a conifer tree?

    There are a few species of deciduous trees that grow and drop needles instead of leaves, but this will be discussed in the Deciduous Conifer section below. Common deciduous trees are oak, maple, and birch to name a few. What is a red maple tree? Red maples are fast-growing trees that usually reach 60 to 90 feet (18 to 27 meters) in height.

  • What is the lifespan of a maple tree?

    The majority of maple trees have a long lifespan. Assuming that they’re properly cared for, the majority of maple trees will survive for a very long period indeed. Maple trees may live anywhere from 130 to 300 years on average, according to some estimates.

  • What is the class of a maple tree?

    maple, ( Acer ), any of a large genus (about 200 species) of shrubs or trees in the family Sapindaceae, widely distributed in the North Temperate Zone but concentrated in China. Maples constitute one of the most important groups of ornamentals for planting in lawns, along streets, and in parks.

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Nanotechnologie et santé sur le lieu de travail : état des lieux
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