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Peer reviews of National Statistical Institutes and National Statistical

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  • What are the objectives of the European Statistical System peer reviews?

    The European Statistical System peer reviews conducted in the framework of the implementation of the Code of Practice serve the following objectives: Most importantly, the peer reviews introduce an external element in the implementation of the Code of Practice which otherwise follows a basically self-regulatory approach.

  • What is the NIH peer review system?

    The peer review system used by NIH, often referred to as the "dual review system," is based on two sequential levels of review for each application—initial review by an IRG or SRG, and a second level of review by the IC National Advisory Council/Board.

  • What are the National Statistician's quality reviews (nsqrs)?

    Established in 2017, the National Statistician’s Quality Reviews (NSQRs) cover thematic topics of national importance, conducted on behalf of and for the Government Statistical Service (GSS). These reviews are future facing, ensuring that methods used by the GSS are keeping pace with changing data sources and technologies.

  • Is peer review a 'least worst' system?

    Despite these concerns, I agree with Smith: peer review is the “least worst” system available for assessing academic research and maintaining science’s integrity.

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Peer reviews of National Statistical Institutes and National Statistical